Posh Vintage og Oasis
Akkurat på denne tiden begynner invitasjonene til bryllup, dåp og andre store begivenheter å dumpe ned i postkassen. De fleste velger å legge invitasjonene til side og planlegge antrekket ved en senere anledning. Mitt råd er derimot å begynne planleggingen så fort som mulig, så er du garantert forberedt til den store dagen. Ikke overlat noe til tilfeldighetene, bestem deg om du har en kjole eller sko som kan brukes og planlegg antrekket deretter. Les invitasjonen! Den sier noe om kleskodeksen. Les artikkelen min til høyre fra Side2 om bryllupsantrekk.
About right now all invitations for different occasions starts popping up in the mail. My best advice is to start planning what to wear, right away. Why? Saves you so much truble and energy. Start with what you have in your closet. A dress, shoes or a nice clutch you want to use? Build the outfit around it. Get only the items you need and you dont have to overspend your budget.
11 kommentarer:
really good advice! i only have one evening dress because there are not so many occasions on which i'd wear one, and i'm already planning what i'll be wearing with it when i'll go to the theatre in may (it's a black cocktail dress, so you can style it in many different ways).
so nice words!
about you, you have an amazing body and all really fits you well ;)
both dresses are so cute, love them!
a kiss and a hug,
kjolen til høyre var utrolig søt:)
So far, nothing yet. If I am invited to any weddings, I'll have things to wear.
I totally plan out outfits for on the minute events too! i mean It's fun and convenient.
It's funny. This year I am getting graduated from Uni and we'll have a big party. I don't know what to wear! a LBD is so obvious, but then, what? I don't want to see my pictures in 10 years and think "What was I thinking?"
thank GOD! omg they finally linked the blair bitch project
I thought they'd never post it... i'm obsessed
Så fin kjolen til høyre var! Oj, 10 år??? Hvor gammel er du? Så utrolig koselig å reise til Paris :)
åå. elsker bryllup. men ingen jeg kjenner er i närheten av å gifte seg-- dessverre..
håper du har hatt en herlig soldag!
You have really beatiful and inspirational pics, with so many great dresses!
I'll put you on my links :)
Cate: I love the LBD, its a favorite to dress up and down.
Kira: Thank you, you are a doll!
Marte: Synes det samme, kjempefin til mange anledninger.
enc:You have the same attitude as me then!Haha
simply steph: I soo agree, best to be prepared!
atelier: Sounds like a great occasion! Can I make some suggestions? For me any occasion is an occasion to dress up. The LBD is a classic that never looks dated, just make it less obvious if youd like. Like wearing killer snakeskin heels, a red belt and a cool vintage clutch. If you like vintage, I find that 50s and 70s dresses looks classic even today, with updatet accessories of course. But most of all, have fun! Thats what it is all about.
Mira: Må jeg si det? Vi traff hverandre ganske unge for å si det slik!Gleder meg veldig til Paris!
ediot: Tusen takk, helt fantastisk!! Du og?
aretha: Thank you! I will link you to.
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