The dress my mum got me as a gift. My
perfect for the Riviera. Now, Oslo might not be the same, but
yesterday was close enough in temperature. Its so
never shop. I was amazed that they would
carry something like it. The best part, the
price, at 10 dollars. Quite the bargain and
me in a good mood. I love the pattern of this
dress, the colors and the tie belt.
The white wedges I wore the other night,
gave me the most horrible blisters, so I had
to wear some shoes that would not do any more damage.
We had the best massages at Dragonfly, a must if you ever
Shoes: Oasis
Handbag: Zara
Sunnies: H&M
Bracelets: Vintage & H&M
Denne kjolen fikk jeg som gave av moren min i forrige uke, og den er en favoritt i den sommervarmen vi opplever nå. I går var vi på Dragonfly, hvor vi fikk deilig massasje(anbefales)og etterpå dro vi til New Orleans og spiste Cajun. Idag var jeg en tur på Huk og badet, fantastisk temperatur. Håper dere hygger dere i sommervarmen!
Denne kjolen fikk jeg som gave av moren min i forrige uke, og den er en favoritt i den sommervarmen vi opplever nå. I går var vi på Dragonfly, hvor vi fikk deilig massasje(anbefales)og etterpå dro vi til New Orleans og spiste Cajun. Idag var jeg en tur på Huk og badet, fantastisk temperatur. Håper dere hygger dere i sommervarmen!
So, this is the dress my mum got me and I could not love it more. I do think it has a 70s element in the print. The temperature here is insane, so only light cotton will do. I am enjoying it (and my last week of vacation) to the fullest. Yesterday we got massages(I will do a separate post on Dragonfly, since its one of my favorites)and went out for some Cajun dinner afterwards. It was a perfect day. Today, I have been to the beach with a friend and soaked up the sun. Hope you are having a great weekend!
36 kommentarer:
How wonderful you look in this dress-I really love the colour combinations! Do you know, where I wore dresses earlier this week with high sandals, I have had blisters too-haha!! I've been in flip flops for a couple of days now! You are certainly making the most of your vacation, with these lovely outings and its so nice to have the sunny weather at long last!!
You look wonderful in the dress and the color is amazing against your skin! I love dresses too, but recently I find them hard to work with because I'm always on the run and I like to be more comfortable.
you look so pretty in the dress. love how you pair it with the bag and the shoes.
Stilig mønster på kjolen!
LOVE the dress, amazing colors! your mom has great taste too :)
my summer is pretty good today, my family went to the farmer's market (aka food market with local fruits & vegetables) and ran into my friend who works at the bagel stand :) I also went book shopping & ate a sandwich al fresco :)
You look beautiful in that dress
Livet er jaggu herlig når man finner slike plagg til en slikk og ingenting!
Nei, det er heldigvis ikke kaldt i Bergen om dagen, har vel omtrent samme temperaturer som dere (hvis det nå er i Oslo du befinner deg). Er glad jeg kom over bloggen din, skal følge med!
So Here "Flower Child" is more appropriate than ever !!! You're frankly made for "Seventies style", and I really like the mix with these sexy sandals . . .
A Bientôt, Antoine
Hey Silje, I sent you an email with help on your banner in answer to your question you left on my page.
I adore this dress! Your mum has great taste, it's so adorable and I wish I owned it!
You wear dresses so well! So pretty. I think the bright floral print really suits you. It does look like a 70's inspired dress but with a modern twist - perfect!
It is funny but wonderful thing when you find things in stores you would never expect too.
I have linked your wonderful blog by the way.
Love the ZARA bag. It's tragic that we don't have ZARA and H&M in Australia. I really miss them. I used to go into boutiques in Paris every weekend. dusty pink is my newly found colour to try. thanks.
For en nydelig kjole! Elsker fargene og mønsteret. Jeg misunner deg vesken...
I love all the pinks in this print. Very pretty!
Du ses helt fantasitisk ut!
Et spørsmål. Jeg skal en kjapp tur til Oslo i morgen. Har du tips til vintage-shopping så nær Karl Johan som mulig? Har dårlig tid!:-)
I loooooove that dress - you look amazing in it!
Reminds me of gucci a couple of seasons back, you look stunning I love the print!
Det er hot og digg! ;) elsker sommeren jeg å! kjolen din var kjempe fin, moren din har bra smak! ;)
kos deg!!!
wow you have the greatest patterns on your dresses and that one fits wonderfully on you. the first picture next to the flowers is amazing! it does match!
your bag is great and your dress matches so well with the flowers next to you :)
Hei Elisabeth. Tusen takk! Ja, dra på UFF Underground ved Kirkeristen, det er 3 min fra Karl Johan, så det er det beste hvis du er i sentrum (og de har mye fint). Hvis du ikke vet hvor det er går du til glassmagasinet. Når du står og ser nedover ser du Indiska, så er det Morris og rundt hjørnet ligger UFF nede i kjelleren. Lykke til!
The dress is perfection! You always look so feminine. Adore it! Love your clutch as well!
Nydelig kjole, fine farger!
Great dress (and love the flower photo) but I really love the bag!
Utrolig fint antrekk og kjempe fine bilder!
hot print!
OMG!! Need that purse!
Another mind-blowingly perfect dress. I don't know how you do it! :)
Beautiful dress (and great price as well!), I really like the colors :-)
I love that handbag! About the Paris Vogue ed, I also think that it's outside the shops here in Paris, because it also looks familiar to me
Happy birthday. That dress looks lovely on you. WAs it that hot in Oslo? I may be coming there next year for work, I hope we're able to meet.
Silje, your dress collection is the most amazing one I have seen. There is not a single item that doesn't make us all say "oh wow". LOVE your summer style!
Pretty dress! You have such great dress. And I love your clutch, I would do anything, I mean anything, to have one *just* like that! ^_^
You look gorgeous, like an Emilio Pucci vision!
i want your clutch!
Momma always knows best...I LOVE THAT DRESS!
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