søndag 31. august 2008

Coveting: A Gucci Dress

Photo: Style
Hvis du kunne valgt hva som helst fra årets høstkolleksjoner, hva ville det vært? Personlig elsker jeg Guccis kolleksjon og ønsker meg både en Hysteriaveske og en av maxikjolene. Diane von Furstenbergs bærfargede kjoler, Alexander Wangs skinnjakker og mye annet står også på ønskelisten.

If money was no object, what would you want from the Fall collections? I am leaning towards one of Frida Gianninis beautiful dresses for Gucci. Thats not to say I am not coveting the whole collection. I am also in love with Diane von Furstenbergs dresses in berry colors, Alexander Wangs leather jeackets (those zippers!!). As you know, I am all about choosing garments and accessories that will last and that you will love in many years to come. This is such a dress, in my opinion because I would use it for all types of parties and special events.

lørdag 30. august 2008

Shopping Spree

Disse darlingsene i svart er på vei til postkassen min, bestilt fra Victoriassecret. Dere vet at de shipper til Norge? Akkurat nå har de salg og avslag på endel godbiter og jeg bestilte like godt noen kashmircardigans i tillegg. Kortet mitt fikk også kjørt seg litt på ebay, så nå er det bare å vente på at godbitene ramler ned i postkassen. Ha en fantastisk lørdag!
I had been looking at these boots for some time, when I finally decided to go for it. Its so hard to order, when you dont know if the shoe will fit. We dont have Victoriassecret here, but I am so happy we can order of their website! I am fully aware that some of you might have these already, however I think they are to cool to pass up. I also ordered some cashmere cardigans from VS and some cool new things(costume necklaces, a pair of laced boots and dresses) of eaby. I am so tired after two very hard weeks, so I just relaxed in the sun, had a coffee and read some fashion magazine for new inspiration. A really relaxing day. Hope you are having a fabolous Saturday!

torsdag 28. august 2008

Get the Look: Statement Necklaces

Loved Richardo Tiscis collection for Givenchy.
Dark, romantic and urban chic.

Photo: Style and Ebay
Elsket Richardo Tiscis kolleksjon for Givenchy denne høsten. Fantastisk sobert, mørkt og romantisk. De lagvise kjedene var utrolig kule, og nå jakter jeg på mange forskjellige som jeg kan ha lagvis over blazerne mine. Dette er et funn på ebay! Ellers har loppemarkeder, bruktbutikker eller billigkjedene et godt utvalg. Slipp fantasien løs, og finn din egen miks av kjeder som passer din stil.

Layered necklaces is an easy look to copy and great as a statement piece this fall. Be sure to look for vintage necklaces at fleamarkets, fairs and thrift shops, you never know what you might find. Like this cool necklace of ebay which captures the look beautifully. The auction ends in 4 days and the price is at this time at 0.99 cents. I am sorry I have posted few this weeks ebay lately, but hope this makes up for it. Happy bidding!

onsdag 27. august 2008

Interview with StyleSpot

"She is so creative when it comes to her clothes combinations, and I think that each of her outfits tell a little story," StyleSpot.

For en stund siden ble jeg intervjuet av Sunniva bak bloggen StyleSpot . Hun lager en serie med intervjuer av motebloggere og jeg var en av de heldige som ble plukket ut. Nå har jeg akkurat lest intervjuet og det var utrolig bra. Ikke bare har Sunniva "sense of style", hun har en veldig spennende og underholdene penn. Aner jeg en motejournalist på trappene? Jeg tror det..Gleder meg til å høre hva dere synes.

A while back I was a interviewed by the lovely Sunniva, of StylSpot. I just read it, and I am more than happy with the way it turned out. Sunniva has a great sense of style and she is a marvelous writer (a fashionjournalist in the making?).So, I was never worried that she would turn my interview into something less than fabolous. You can read the interview here. I am amazed by all the lovely comments and humbly accept them all. Thank you so much for featuring me on your blog, Sunniva!

søndag 24. august 2008

Anniversary Dinner

Last night we had our anniversary dinner
to celebrate our first year as a married

Wedding Bliss: Free of charge
Dress: Vintage
Handbag: Vintage Chanel
Shoes: Guess
Bracelets: Vintage
Igår var vi ute å feiret vår et års bryllupsdag, som egentlig er idag. Bestemte meg for å bruke denne grønne vintagekjolen, som er en av mine favoritter. Den var opprinnelig gulvlang, men jeg fikk den lagt opp så jeg kunne bruke den oftere. Litt usikker på om jeg angrer på det eller ikke. Fargen er helt fantastisk og kommer egentlig ikke helt frem på bildet. Senere ikveld skal jeg publisere bryllupsspesialen, men nå skal jeg feire et års bryllupsdag med mannen min i solen. Ha en fantastisk søndag!

I love to get dressed up and go out to celebrate. Its such a great way of either marking an event or just have a little luxury in your everyday life. Yeasterday we celebrated our one year of marriage(which is really today!), and we had a fabolous time. I decided to wear this dress that I love, but have not worn in a long time. It was so warm that I couls wear it withouth a jacket, which was nice. I love this green colour and it used to be as long as my blue maxidress, but I had it hemmed. I am not sure if I regret the decision, somtimes I do sometimes I dont. Yeasterday, it was just perfect. I think the leopard shoes really goes with this colour, so I was very happy with my look. I will post the wedding special later this evening. Right now, I am going to enjoy life in the sun with my husband.

fredag 22. august 2008

Yellow Fever

I can often tell right away if a new item will
become a favorite in my closet. Often it has
to do with versatility.

Like this yellow Zara jacket I bought of ebay
from Krystal, who has a great sense of style
and many goodies in her ebay shop.

Jacket: Zara from Krystal of Whatisrealityanyway
Jeans: Vero Moda
Scarf: Vero Moda
Tee: ?
Shoes: Old Navy
Har vært litt crazy de siste ukene, så har ikke hatt tid til å svare på alle spørsmål, men det er underveis. Har shoppet litt siden sist, litt vintage på Marilyn Monroe partyet til Tonica onsdag, hvor jeg fant en kjempefin grå blazer. Kjøpte også to naglebelter på H&M. Denne gule jakken fra Zara kjøpte jeg av Krystal, en veldig hyggelig ebayselger og blogger. Den kan brukes til alt og er perfekt som overgangsjakke i disse dager. Søndag skal jeg lage en spesiell post, siden vi har et års bryllupsdag på søndag. Ha en fantastisk fredag!

Its been a crazy couple of weeks. I am sorry I have not been able to get back to you all, but I hope to catch on this weekend. Hope you all are doing well! Wednesday I was at a customer evening at Tonica, the vintage shop and picked up some new goodies. I also got some studded belts from H&M. Love my new jacket from Zara that I bought from fellow blogger Krystal. She has some great stuff, you should check it out. I am going to relax and have a quite evening and maybe do some online shopping. Still missing some essentials and have seen some goodies I am lusting after. Tomorrow I am posting a wedding special, since its our one year wedding anniversary on sunday. Have a wonderful friday everyone!

tirsdag 19. august 2008


As of right now, its kind of fashion nowhere.

You know, that time between summer & fall.

Dress: H&M
Shoes: H&M
Vest: Vero Moda
Scarf: Vintage
Bangles: Vintage
Tights: Lindex
Cardigan: Lindex
Vanskelig å kle seg på denne tiden av året. Nesten alt er for varmt eller kaldt. Fant ut at jeg mangler endel ting i garderoben. Har lyst på plagg med glidelås på(Alexander Wang stil), pastell, nye ankelstøvletter, tights i forskjellige farger og mye mer! Fikk iallefall et par nye jeans fra Acne på halv pris på Soda på lørdag. Godt kjøp!

So, its fashion nowhere time. Its that time of year when I find I lack so many things in my closet. So, the next week will be spent making list of what I am missing. I am craving:
Zippers, jacket, shoes. Black, Alexander Wang style. I am so over summer flowers.
Pastells, Boots, Tights in different colors, velvet jacket and more blazers. And thats just to start! I will keep you posted..

mandag 18. august 2008

Store opening

På lørdag var jeg på åpningen av butikken Skaperverket
på Grünerløkka.

En av smykkedesignerne, Sara K. Sjödin viser frem sine håndlagde
smykker. Fantastiske kreasjoner, som absolutt ikke koster all

Armbånd, kjeder og øredobber er bare noe av det hun lager.

Selv likte jeg spesielt godt kjedene med fjær,
perfekt til høsten.

Yours truly in one of the wonderful feather

Etter åpningen gikk vi en tur på Grünerløkka
og drakk kaffe i solen. Deilig etter en svært så
hektisk uke.

Jeans: H&M
Top: Vintage
Handbag: Zara
Sunnies: Oliver People

Jeg beundrer kunstnere som starter opp for seg selv, eller sammen med andre. Grünerløkka er et spesielt sted i byen der kreativiteten blomstrer. Jeg håper dere tar turen innom Skaperverket som er en utrolig flott butikk, startet av tre spennende kunstnere. Her finner du alt fra smykker, til klær og andre små ting fra barndommens fortid. En liten juvel, mitt i byen. Smykkene kan du se på Skimra Du kan også bestille smykker. Min favoritt? Det lange kjedet med fjær...

Saturday I went to a store opening. The artists and the jewelry and clothes were wonderful. I love when people follow their dream and go for it. I especially liked the feather jewelry and special ordered one in brown for myself. What I like about handmade things are the same as vintage, not one thing are the same. Small imperfections makes the beauty of the item. I am sorry I look so tired, but I really was! Afterwards we went for coffee and enjoyed the sun. Lovely!

søndag 17. august 2008

Pictures from Diesel Vernissage

Pictures by Sarah Victoria Nitteberg. Courtesy of www. Lola.no

Onsdag var jeg på vernissage by Diesel på galleri R.O.M. Det var utrolig kult å se den nye kampanjen, som er noe helt annet enn deres tidligere profil. Mørkere, mer på trend og edgy enn jeg noensinne har sett Diesel før. Elsker jeansene deres, så gleder meg til å prøve de nye modellene. I galleriet hang det svart/hvit bilder på veggene fra kampanjen og det var høy champagneføring blant de trendbevisste gjestene. Siden jeg ikke har fått publisert noen antrekk denne uken, tenkte jeg at dere kunne sjekke ut Lola, for de tok masse bilder. Mitt antrekk har vært Blazer, jeans og Gucci/Chanelvesken har vært min trofaste uniform denne uken.

Have not been able to post pictures of my outfits this week (so insanely busy).My uniform this week was blazer, jeans and the Gucci or Chanel bag, with a few pieces of jewelry. As you know I am a firm believer in comfort & style, that is important when you are running from one show to another. The pictures are from the Diesel vernissage I attended Wednesday, and the campaign looks better, edgier and more exciting than I have ever seen the label before. Thanks for your help with the pictures Songy!

lørdag 16. august 2008

Moods of Norway

One of the most anticipated events of OFW, the Moods of
Norway show. Held in the historic scene of Norsk Folkemuseum
at Bygdøy.
Getting ready to let people in and the goody bags.

The catwalk was build in a pool of water ,
so all press and celebritites had to wear rain
rubber boots. Editor in chief of "DU" Laila Madsö
and Fashion Editor Julie Kase getting ready with yours
truly to see the show.
Moods of Norway is known for their colorful
design, patterns and their original
design inspired by Norwegian history.

Lene Nystrøm of Aqua(the group)
opened the fashion show.

I enjoyed the playfulness of the collection, the colors and
bold patterns.

I can definitely see myself wearing some of
their designs.

Interesting pattern and a beautiful dress.
Cool suits, their trademark.

The Designers in their own popular design.
Moods of Norway visningen var nok den mest omtalte og dyre visningene under OFW i år. Omgivelsene på Norsk Folkemuseum satte en mystisk og spennende tone for motevisningen. Da vi kom fikk vi utdelt gummistøvler, for vi skulle sitte i vann under visningen. En morsom detalj, som viste seg å være en ganske kald opplevelse, fordi showet var en time forsinket. Men da det kom igang var det et fyrverkeri av en visning, med masse kule klær. Det jeg liker med Moods, er deres evne til å bruke norsk historie i deres design og måten de har klart å eksportere dette til utlandet. Ytterst få norske designere har hatt den succeen de har opplevd og det synes jeg er beundringsverdig. I showet var det lagt vekt designens opprinnelse og historie gjennom intervjuer med designernes besteforeldre og folkemusikk. Morsomme detaljer som gjorde hele showet svært gjennomført. På første rad satt hele norges moteelite, skuespillere og artister. Bare det sier litt om størrelsen på arrangementet og hva Moods har klart å uttrette med sin design.
Go Norway!
Moods of Norways huge fashion show, was one of the most anticpated events this year. Not only did they spend a fortune on the show, it was a great experience for the audience. I had a lot of fun and loved all their quirky entertainment. The mood was magic, and their sense of old Norwegian history came through in the collection. All in all, I thought it was a great fashion show with lots of details and fun clothes. Just like the designers themself.
PS: Thank you for all your support and nice words about my new job and the modelling!

torsdag 14. august 2008

Steilmann Fashion Show

In this old building the brand Steilmann, had
their fashion show this year.

The catwalk was in the garden(on the grass)
so the customers could see the fashion show,
while enjoying food and drinks.

Thomas, one of the models

Anne Lene, another model in Steilmann

Iselin(dont you just love her name?) in one
of the designs I really liked. Casual chic.

Yours truly. Dress by Steilmann summer 2009

As a model you can experience many things. Very fast changes of clothing, running from one point to another, but looking calm, walking in high heels on grass, being 4 sizes smaller than the actual clothing, getting stuck in zippers and many other weird things. I still do some fashion shows as a model, but very few. I love the energy and I do it when I know the clothes fit well and the people are lovely. A minor crisis lead me to do the show tonight, so I did not get to take pictures from the actual show. However, tomorrow I promise you good stuff, as the designers I am seeing are some of the best Norwegian designers in the game.

"DU" Denne Uken

Endelig kan jeg si at jeg har fått meg ny jobb i "DU" eller"Denne Uken" som journalist. Med en fantastisk redaksjon, vil bladet gi leserne det aller siste innen kjendisnyheter, moter, livsstil og underholdning. Helt ulikt noe blad som finnes i Norge idag. Var på Dieselvernissage igår, men det er litt hektisk om dagen, så har ikke fått opp noen bilder ennå. Ny visning ikveld. Moro!

Its official at last! My new job as a journalist in the know of celebs and fashion, at the new Norwegian Magazine "DU"(which basically means "You"-this week). Its very exciting and and a very competent group of people that stands behind the magazine. I dont want to give to much away yet, just share the news. I went to the Diesel party last night and it was a blast. See pictures here(its me at the very bottom).It was a vernissage, with lots of fabolous fashion people. Tonight I am off to another fashion show, and its crazy hectic, so I apologize for not posting any pictures yet. Also, I met with a Danish girl about some new exciting brands, not even yet on the Norwegian market(!!). More to come.

tirsdag 12. august 2008

Oslo Fashion Week 2008

I had the hardest time getting pictures from were
I was sitting. So, I considered not even publishing

However, I think they are kind of fun. And the
summer collection for 2009, was just that.

I loved the colors, the pink, green and reds.
The green peacock dress here is a favorite from
Norwegian Designer Leila Hafzi. She makes the
most amazing dresses.

The blue shoes against the mustard
dress, gives an interesting edge.

Red mania.
OFWs trendvisning var en spennende smakebit på hva vi kan forvente oss neste sommer. Fargene rosa, rød, grønn og blå gikk igjen på catwalken. Elsket de lekre kjolene til Laila Hafzi og spesielt den grønne asymmetriske påfuglkjolen. Beklager de dårlige bildene, men det var vanskelig(!!) å ta bilder fra der jeg satt. Noen stjal goodybagen min(!!) men jeg fikk en ny på vei ut. Husk at der er gratis og åpent for alle på OFWs visninger. Se program her.

Good evening fashiongirls! I am just home from the the opening of Oslos Fashion Week. Very exciting and fun. Lots of great inspiration for next summer. Pink, light green, blue and reds were some of the dominating colors on the catwalk. I liked some of the designs, especially the lovely dresses from Laila Hafzi. Someone stole my goddybag in the break, however I got a new one on the way out. Liked the makeup brushes from Maxfactor. More (and better!!!)pictures and updates to come during the week. See some scenes from the show here(and what the Norwegian celebs was wearing.)

mandag 11. august 2008

Cuffed Jeans, Love it or Hate it?

Picture: Courtesy of a fab fashion site: WhoWhatWearDaily

Digger stilen med opprullede jeans. Synes Rachel Bilson og SJP klarer denne looken best her. Som dere ser i mine tidligere innlegg, har jeg vært en fan av denne stilen en stund. Gå for skyhøye heler til denne looken, så du får så lange bein som mulig.

I know this post will raise some discussion. However, I love this casual look. If you look three posts down, you see I often wear my jeans like this. It does cut you off, so high heels are preferable. I love Miss Bilsons and SJP, they got the perfect combo of casual and stylish looks going on. What do you think, love it or hate it?