Photo: Victoriassecret
Disse darlingsene i svart er på vei til postkassen min, bestilt fra Victoriassecret. Dere vet at de shipper til Norge? Akkurat nå har de salg og avslag på endel godbiter og jeg bestilte like godt noen kashmircardigans i tillegg. Kortet mitt fikk også kjørt seg litt på ebay, så nå er det bare å vente på at godbitene ramler ned i postkassen. Ha en fantastisk lørdag!
I had been looking at these boots for some time, when I finally decided to go for it. Its so hard to order, when you dont know if the shoe will fit. We dont have Victoriassecret here, but I am so happy we can order of their website! I am fully aware that some of you might have these already, however I think they are to cool to pass up. I also ordered some cashmere cardigans from VS and some cool new things(costume necklaces, a pair of laced boots and dresses) of eaby. I am so tired after two very hard weeks, so I just relaxed in the sun, had a coffee and read some fashion magazine for new inspiration. A really relaxing day. Hope you are having a fabolous Saturday!
22 kommentarer:
Ooh Silje, these boots are going to rock, oh lucky you!! Your other purchases are bang on trend for Autumn and lots of lovely goodies are much deserved after your busy hectic weeks too!
love love love love love love love love.... the boots :)!! They are amazing!
I saw those boots in the catalog and am very tempted by them. They will look stunning on you!
I'm excited to hear that you might be coming to my area! I'm tentatively planning a 4-city trip to Europe right now and am trying to decide between Oslo and Stockholm - I've never been to either. I'd love to get your input and I'd love to meet up when you come to So. California!
these booots are super cute!
btw I'm linking you! hope you dont mind!
Such Arrogant(YES, with a capital letter) fineries, with the "fetish-studs" for the "Bad-Girlesque touch" !!!
A Bientôt, Antoine
Those boots are so sexy!! We don't have victoria's secret here either...but I'm tempted to order these also. I think I might wait for your feedback on their comfort level though...
i love those boots too. you can`t resist them... will look grate on you ...saludos
those are great, can't wait to see them on you, hope they fit
Those serious high heels for me!
ahhh i am seriously drooling over those boots!
those are indeed pretty popular. I trust you will do your magic with those. It's always inspiring to see how you pair things up.
I would love to exchange links with but only at fashion-filled because at olsen-fashion I only link olsen sites.But you can link olsen-fashion. And I love love the boots X
Fantastiske sko!
Congratulations on your new, exciting boots! I'm hoping they fit you properly. Also, I'm hoping to see all the looks you put together with them. I hope your order works out!
hi friend!
those style boots are really an obsession! I love them!
a kiss and have a great time too!
Ooo, truly stunning boots! xx
Those boots are HOT!!
Så røffe :) De blir perfekt til høsten!
Fun! Those are literally all over the blogosphere since Karla pointed them out. Did you order the brown or black version? As everyone has been sporting the blacks, I am really curious how the brown ones would look.
Have a lovely new week, dearest Silje!
Very rock !! Love it ... hope we can see how you manage to wear it !
ÅÅÅå heldiggris! elsker disse- fullstendig. sinnsykt kule.
kan ikke si annet enn at jeg gleder meg til å se de på deg. og se hva du matcher til de.
ha en finfin kveld
oh my, those boots are soooo gorgeous. but i am too afraid that the shoes won't fit so i almost never order from outside Europe... but some day!
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