Til helgen kommer frisøren min til byen. Hun er ikke bare frisøren min, men en av mine beste venninner. Jeg gleder meg til å se henne, prate over litt vin og selvfølgelig diskutere håret mitt. Jeg elsker stilen til Sienna Miller i Alfie og skulle gjerne ha hatt denne looken. Det er så utrolig fresht når du kan ha litt pannelugg som her, alt blir så mye tøffere. Nå har jeg allerede hatt pannelugg en gang (men det så ikke så bra ut), derfor vet jeg ikke helt om jeg tørr. Men det er iallefall noe å tenke på til helgen kommer. Har du ikke sett Alfie, leier du den idag, om så kun får å se på klærne, sminken og håret. Lovely!
This weekend my lovely friend and hairdresser is coming to town. She is one of my best friends and I cant wait to see her, have some wine and discuss my hair. I am debating a small change, some bangs like Sienna had in the movie Alfie. However, Sienna was amazing in the clothes, the smokey makeup and the hair, but I am not so sure it will look that hot on me. You see, I had bangs before, but they were nothing like these. But I can always think about it before the weekend comes...If you have not seen the movie, you should, if only for the clothes, makeup and hair.
21 kommentarer:
Hi there-Its a really tough one, I'm a person who always needs a fringe, I tried growing out my hair but I don't suit a no fringe look. Do you have past photos of yourself with a fringe to remind you of what it felt like? I love your hair as it is, but I think you would suit a fringe too, sorry I can't sway you either way, LOL!
Den sveisen er kjempestilig! Men skjønner hva du mener med pannelugg. Jeg har hatt det tidligere og vært utrolig misfornøyd. Nå har jeg prøvd igjen, og er kjempefornøyd. å, you never know :) Kanskje dette er gangen det klaffer?
et svært interessant innlegg.
kunne link?
Hi Silje,
You should try fringe hair. I saw the Alfie (one of my favourite movie) and that style would really suit you. You will make me curious.
Have a great day: Janet
så göy! åh, sienna miller var så fin i den filmen. ha en bra dag
så göy! åh, sienna miller var så fin i den filmen. ha en bra dag
Jeg ba frisøren min om å gi meg akkurat den frisyren, og det klarte han. Jeg er kjempefornøyd og har ikke angret! Gjør det sier jeg, pannelugg er en fantastisk forandring!
Oh yes so tempting - my view is it always grows out!!
Jeg elsker håret til Sienna Miller i Alfie også. Det er drømmehåret det! Tror du hadde sett kjempe bra ut med pannelugg jeg :) Gleder meg til å se bilder med det nye håret!
Jeg er sikker på at du passer lugg kjempegodt - en litt lang en sosm går litt ned i øynene! Heldige du! :)
How lucky you can discuss about your hair with your friend
She did look amazing in that movie! So happy for you that you'll get to hang out with your friend!
i personally think you'd look great, go for it!
YES I love it--you could basically pull any look off, you should try it :-)
Oh, you would look AMAZING with a Sienna cut!!!
looks good and powerful, so do it
The bangs could fit you well. You are pretty like sienna! Truly!
I have my Paris photos finally now up on the blog. And the dress in the last post is gorgeous!
juliet xxx
i think you'd look great in that style, and the fringe seems long, right? it's very 60's/70'sish.
I think you look better without bangs (and I've seen you with them). Only because you have a small forehead. Maybe try doing some layers in the front in lieu of bangs... Just a thought! But I know Anki will take care of you :)
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When you talk to your friend which is a hairdresser, she'll know if the hairstyle would fit on you and she can advice you what to do. Since, you look gorgeous already, experimenting with your looks isn't that bad to do. Try to change your looks the way you want to be, and if it won't work out, then you can change it again.
I fell in love with her in that movie too! She was just ooozing sex appeal...love her style!
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