lørdag 11. juli 2009

These shoes are made for walking

Bilde 235

Bilde 238

Bilde 237

Or maybe not, but they are divine! They are going to be the summers dancing shoes, I am in love the blue electric color. I am off to do some bargain hunting at the sales and vintagestores, since the weather is a little gloomy. Perfect way to spend a saturday. Hope you all have an amazing weekend!!

Wearing: Blazer & shoes from Zara, Tights from Gina Tricot.

32 kommentarer:

FashionHippieLoves sa...

i really love this blue heels!!!


Anonym sa...

amazing shoes!

www.janetteria.com sa...

I love those tights and J'adore those royal blue suede sandals.


Hanh, Life-in-Travel sa...

I love your heels!!

Love your style as well!!


Anonym sa...

those are such a great color! I love the vibrant blue footwear this season

stilettolover91 sa...

u look gorgeous!!! i love love love those heels!!! sooo pretty!!!


the healthy ghost sa...

Great heels, and the rest of the outfit.

Vertiginoso sa...

AND are delightfully full of "sublimating virtues", on such a softly/electrifying way . . .
ps: Mmmmh just in case I give you Summer's Style advices on "stilettosteticoooooooooooo", Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes !!!

à Bientôt, Antoine

WendyB sa...

Great color!

Asia sa...

Nice shoes!

Emilie sa...

Lovely outfit, and the shoes are GORGEOUS!

Vintage Lollipops sa...

Those heels are hot, and the vibrant color sparks the palette so effortlessly... head-to-toe aces! I love it. xxx

Hippie, hippie - milkshake sa...

sykt freshe sko!

Make Do Style sa...

Beautiful blue heels - great look. Hope your feet survived their gorgeous encasement!

Lauren sa...

those shoes are so fierce!!! i love them!

s.i. michaels sa...

Holy cow, no kidding! Love the blue.

6roove sa...

the heels are awesome, i adore its! U look very chic, simply, but with class


Sharon sa...

Hi my dear-lovely outfit and your shoes are a perfect buy, I adore the colour!!

escritora sa...

Fantastic shoes!

Tessies Hearts sa...

wow, I'm really in love with blue shoes at the moment, and this pair are gorgeous!

nicola xx


Zarna sa...

love the shoes and blazer!

you look wonderful :)


Dana (MODAna) sa...

I'd love to shop at this gina tricot place, so many good stuff

Anonym sa...

lovely blog!

Fashion Trend Guide sa...

Blue, my favorite color! Gorgeous!

Charmaine Li sa...

you looks gorgeous!! i wanted those shoes.. but didn't have my size :(

Rozdeen sa...

Beautiful pair. Are Zara shoes comfortable?

Elissa sa...

Sexy mama!!

J. sa...

the shoes are absolutely gorgeous!

Cody sa...


NICK sa...



bisou-joue sa...

this outfit is so chic, great !! I love the way you've dressed your hair !

Marte sa...

Funky sko :) Hele antrekket var stilig..