fredag 2. oktober 2009

Fall in Oslo

leila hafzi 886
Its really getting cold in Oslo. This is what I was wearing a couple of days ago and one of my favorite outfits for fall. Besides all the faux fur I have picked up, a leather jacket and the studded bag from Zara is perfect wardrobe essentials for me. I also try to wear my open toe shoes as long as possible, so over the knee socks are a great solution. I have not found any over knee boots that I like yet, I think many ends up looking like Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman, but the search continues this weekend.
Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!

Outfit: Leather jacket from Voice, wool jacket and shoes from Zara, over knee socks from Pierre Robert, Levis denimshorts, scarf from H&M.

23 kommentarer:

Cupcakes and Cashmere sa...

fabulous outfit! and i have the same feelings about over-the-knee boots, but i'm determined to find a classy pair.

Vertiginoso sa...

Mmmh Actually I really like the (so GLAMorous) fact that these "Vavavoooooooomesques" short denim shorts can easily cross coldness by the favour of appropriate stylish mixes, It sounds very/delightfully "stainless SEXYness beyond the Weather's Whims" !!!

à Bientôt, Antoine

Brooke sa...

Gorgeous outfit. You have wonderful style.

Anonym sa...

the denim cutoffs are great

Sharon sa...

Hi there-a perfect outfit for fall, you look so snug and stylish! have a great weekend my dear!!

Nuheila sa...

i really like your outfit!it s so stylish:)

the healthy ghost sa...

Love the outfit!. Here in Spain is fall too, but reallu warm and sunny.

Make Do Style sa...

Great look you pull it all together so well.

Couture Carrie sa...

Gorgeous, darling! Especially love the scarf-as-snood!

CC sa...

So stylish!


Anonym sa...

Very nice outfit!
Take a look of my blog...and if you it...

FashionJazz sa...

U look amazing here! I so want over the knee boots but I will have to wait for winter as its summer here : )

Hope u have a lovely day!


Anonym sa...

i love ur outfit

erika sorocco sa...

There's something about cutoff denim shorts layered over black tights that is so incredibly sleek and chic. You pull this look off amazingly well.

As for over the knee boots...I was scared to buy a pair myself; but I bought a pair of knee-highs that, coincidentally go over my knees because I'm short, and I adore them. They look amazingly classy! :)

FashionHippieLoves sa...

amazing outfit!!!


Kristin sa...

Råkul outfit! Oppdaget nettopp bloggen din, og er nå en følger:)

Taylor Sterling sa...

I love the scarf! Great outfit! Love the denim!

WendyB sa...

Makes me want to go back to Oslo. I'd love to...

Kristin sa...

Thank you:)

La Mimi sa...

Hi darling,
I'm loving how you wear your scarf as a snood:)
I'm also drawn to blacks and grays this fall...hehe...must b something in the air!


workhard sa...

Thats a great outfit...

Everythings put together so well...

Lise Charmel Jardins Intimes Collection

test sa...


Charms sa...

"The coolest outfit you've every post on your blog. I love the over knee sock, it blends perfectly. The denim short shorts makes it ruggedly awesome, especially if you'll gonna find the juicy couture boot you're looking for."