fredag 17. desember 2010

Almost Christmas


Christmas is just a couple of days away. I cant believe how fast this fall went, its like it was just August, and I was in New York. However, the Norwegian winter has been cruel so far, much colder than it has been in years. I am covering up in fake fur, boots and layers of wool. I am almost done with all my christmas presents and this weekend we are going to pick up a tree. I cant help but feeling blessed, the most important about Christmas to me, is to be around the people I love. Hope you all are enjoying the pre Christmas festivities!

Outfit: Faux fur jacket from H&M, jeans from J Brand, sweater from Cubus, boots from Tamaris and handbag from Alexander Wang.

12 kommentarer:

Triple Crème Decadence sa...

I absolutely love your blog! You have such impeccable style.
Have a great weekend!


Camilla sa...

Elsker jakken din, utrolig fin!
Ha en fin jul!:)

blabla sa...

Nice outfit - really like the faux fur!

Unknown sa...

Hei Silje! Så koselig at du kikket innom, takk for kommentar:)Ja jeg er helt enig med deg, brukte kimonoer er fantastisk fine, jeg vil ha en:) Håper jeg får se din kimono en gang på bloggen.

Ja halvåret suste forbi, og før du vet ord av det er det sommer igjen:)

HIlsen Iben

Sharon sa...

Hi Silje-you look so stylish and warm, wishing you a Happy Christmas my dear! xx

Sharon sa...

Hi my dear-hopefully we can meet up in February, would be lovely!! x

Carmen sa...

Yes, Xmas is all around me... and you look gorgeous with tha coat! Come and visit me! I want your opinion of my new red dress. Kisses!

Emilie sa...

You look lovely!
Enjoy your Christmas week!!!!

Louisesway sa...

i just love your blog and your outfits! And your furjacket is adorable! :)

greetings from Germany
Louise from

Irene's Closet sa...

Cool fur!! Love your style!

would you like to come and see also my blog?

xo from Florence!

BrooklynBlonde sa...

love this outfit and your beautiful style!!

Anonym sa...

Hei, bare lurer på, kanskje du kan selge Tamaris grå støvletter, jeg er på jakt etter de så lenge. Kan du svare meg : Hilsen, Lena (har du str 39?)jeg bruker selv 39/40