Jacket: H&M
Dress: Cubus
Boots: Acne
Tights: H&M
Sunnies: Oliver Peoples
Scarf: Vero Moda
Første natten med frost. Det var trist å våkne opp til hvitt rim på bakken i dag tidlig. Kaldt var det også. Dro frem den gamle fuskepelsen som var en gave fra fetteren min sin kone, for seks år siden. Jeg elsker den forsatt og den holder seg bra, så den blir nok fast innventar i garderoben min denne høsten også. Superbusy på jobb idag, og mye jobb på meg om dagen. Trøster meg med at jeg hadde en fantastisk helg med deilig kos. Håper dere har en fin mandag!
I woke up this morning and not only was it freezing, it was white frost on the ground. In october, thats way to early. It was so cold I took out my faux fur and it kept me warm all day. This jacket was a gift from my cousins wife six years ago, and its still going strong. Anyway, it was a really hectic day at work, but we still managed a coffee run and a ten minute break in the sun. I know I am using a lot of the same clothes lately, but I have some exciting new stuff coming up. Hope you guys are having a great monday!
22 kommentarer:
Those boots look great.
Frost in October?...
You look so lovely, Silje!
Have a wonderful week!
It was so hot in London and they said rain. I think you pulled off the right look for the weather.
Lovely as ever.
fin jakke- alltid stas å dra frem gamle godbiter. Jeg elsker høsten, men enig at frost i begynnelsen av oktober er tidlig i byen. bursdagsfesten var poppis:)takk for gratulasjon
Kaldt var det ja, men så nydelig! Satt oppe fra kl 4.30 og jobbet mens himmelen sakte ble marine, mørk kobolt, sjøgrå, morgenblå. Kanskje det er trist med frost men det er nydelig trist i såfall...
great outfit, Silje...you look so amazing in those boots! on another note, how exciting that you're coming to LA! for thrifting, i have a hard time spending time in shops so i am strictly a flea market girl. i'm a huge fan of the one on melrose and fairfax, where you can find amazing boots, bags and vintage dresses every Sunday. though i've never visited any of these, i've heard good things about: american rag, resurrection vintage and wasteland seem to be favorites. let me know if you have any other questions about regular boutiques, good eats or anything else!
We had our first frost here last night too!!
Love your fall attire, esp. the boots :)
love the jacket!
UGH I totally listed faux fur bomber in my wishlist maaaan I want it.
HUGS, stay warm
I never noticed that you were using the same things. Everything is so fabulous, I just enjoy it all.
It was 75 here today!
Kjempefin jakke! Sånn har jeg også lyst på. :-)
Hi Silje-cosy and stylish, an excellent combination my dear! Hope you have a good week too!
That jacket is lovely, it looks so perfect on you! Tusen takk, har det kjempe fint :) Håper du har det bra også, og pass godt på deg selv, Silje!
It does get cold early there then!!
You look lovely, Silje. Are you really going to LA? It will be a good escape from cold I bet! :)
That jacket must be great if it has lasted through six years.
juliet xxx
Simply because THE fashionista is an exquisite "chameleonic creature" who must be stylish in all circumstances !!!!
ps: I would really like having your opinion about my last article, it could be very constructive . . .
A Bientôt, Antoine
I love everything about this outfit! Early winter chic at its best.
Oh, and I am going to SO depressed when we get the first frost here, but the temperature is lowering every day now so I know it's coming soon :(
you look chic as always!!
superfine stövler_: vil ha!!
kjempefint antrekk. hvordan har du det for tiden?= mye å gjöre?klem
Er det så kaldt allerede altså!? Huff=(
Oh yeah, dear Silje, I know! Winter is here too early as well...
You always shut it down! Love it...
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