Jeans: Acne
Vest: Bik Bok
Cardigan: Gina Tricot
Boots: H&M
Scarf: H&M
Handbag: Vintage Chanel
Jeg elsker lørdager. Det er så deilig å sove ut etter en lang uke. Liker å gå å titte i butikker, og bare nyte at jeg har fri. Gikk innom UFF, men fant ikke noe fint idag. Men på H&M fant jeg en blå cardigan med en fake pelskrave og en fake pelsjakke. Etter shopping drakk jeg og venninnen min deilig kaffe på kaffebrenneriet i Bogstadveien. Etter mye action denne uken skal det bli deilig å bare slappe av hjemme med hjemmelaget pizza og ekte rosa champagne. Livet er herlig!
I love Saturdays. Sleeping in, going downtown and do a little shopping. I also meet up with a good friend for coffee, and we had a great time. I tried to go thrifting, but there was not any goodies waiting for me today. I was a little disappointed, but I stopped by H&M and found a great cardigan with a faux-fur collar in a deep blue color. Its fab! I will post pictures pretty soon. Since we were our last weekend and I went to the Mango-party on Thursday, we are spending this Saturday home with homemade pizza and some pink champagne. Yum!
I have been tagged by the wonderful Emily of Cupcakes and Cashmere (two of my favorite things) for 11 little things about myself. Here goes:
1. Clothes Shop: My favorite is Tonica Vintage in Oslo, F21 and UU in the US.
2. Furniture Shop: Flea markets & Ikea
3. Sweet: M&Ms
4. City: I live in Oslo, but LOVE Los Angeles (miss it sooo much!)
5. Drink: Ruinard pink champagne
6. Music: Anything Madonna, Justin, Cafe del mar
7. TV-Series: The Rachel Zoe Project, The Hills, Greys Anatomy and Heroes.
8. Film: Kiss the Girls and Silence of the Lambs
9. Workout: Power walking
10. Pastries: Cupcakes (from Sprinkles in LA) and french chocolate croissants. Yum!
11. Coffee: Ice blended vanilla latte from Coffee Bean
12 kommentarer:
You and I have some of the same taste! I knew it.
I love this picture of you. You cut a lean silhouette.
Ah what a gorgeous Saturday for you! Sounds wonderful.
legg ut bilde av funnene dine da:)
Love your shopping outfit, Silje!
sounds like a perfect Saturday.
pink champagne ... Yum!
Hi there-pleased to see you having a lovely, relaxing weekend!! I'll be doing my list from Emily later this week too!
Hehe cute tag!!
I like the Hills, but not Madonna.
Also ,did I ever tell you one of my alltime fav. songs in by Alvadensen, that they sang in the 2006 Eurovision song contest??? I don't understand a word of it but it's so nice
Fint antrekk:)
Perfekt lørdag! Spent på å se både cardigan og jakke. :-)
Fint høstantrekk!
Sounds fun! Love the your outfit, so casual and chic!
Tina {Your Everyday Style}
thanks a lot my friend! you are fantastic and i love all you dress! i am a huge fan of you!
thanks a lot for your friendship :)
a kiss!!!
You look lean! I need to know how many scarves you have.
Pink bubbly is so elegant. I can totally picture you with a glass in your hand and having some brunch at a fancy place.
Thank you for tagging me. *blush*..
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