fredag 10. april 2009


Bilde 681
Wearing: Voice of Europe jacket, Gina Tricot skirt, Sweater and scarf from H&M, Boots F21.

I am so happy its easter and we have a couple of days just to relax. I know its hard to believe, but everything closes down in Norway in easter. I was tagged by the lovely Janet, and here are my answers.
1. Respond and rework. Answer the questions on your blog, replace one question you dislike with a question of your own invention; add a question of your own.
2. Tag eight other un-tagged people.
What is your current obsession? Getting my hands on some very special shoes and some vintage aviators...
Good fika place? In Oslo Kaffe & Krem, in Paris-any local restaurant , in LA Four Seasons (Splurge) or Sprinkles(dont tell me you can resist those cupcakes).

Do you nap a lot? I wish...
Who was the last person you hugged? My husband.
What’s my favourite dinner? Almost anything Italian, but pasta with truffles is excellent.
What was the last thing you bought? A gold vintage sequined jacket of ebay.
What are you listening to right now? ABBAs "Waterloo" and Destinys Childs "Independent Women", it always make me wanna dance.
What is your favourite weather? Summer! Let it be hot and marvelous.
What's in your bathroom cabinet? Lots of Biotherm, YSL, Chanel and so on. I am a beauty junkie.
Say something to the person/s who tagged you. Janet, you are so amazing. A visit to your blog always put a smile on my face!
If you could have a house totally paid for, fully furnished anywhere in the world, where would you want it to be? Los Angeles, so I could jet back and forth between friends.
Favourite vacation spot? Tuscany, Italy. Our honeymoon was amazing. Cant wait to go back.

What is your favourite tea flavour? Cinnamon.
What would you like to get rid of? Negative people, who only wants to put you down.
What did you want to become as a child? A ballet dancer.
What do you miss? Girls night out! Way to long since we went dancing.
What are you reading right now? Always fiction. I guess serial killers make me relax..
What's your favourite brand of jeans? Seven for all Mankind, Acne and Current Elliott.
What designer piece of clothing would you most like to own (new or vintage)? A vintage Halston or YSL dress from the 70s. Preferably a maxidress in gold, blue or pink.
Would I live my life differently to how I do now? No, I think my life is pretty amazing.

29 kommentarer:

Sharon sa...

Hi Silje-fabulous answers, I hope you get that vintage Halston or YSL before long! Hope you enjoy the long Easter weekend my dear and a great outfit too!

Siljesfashion sa...

Thanks, Sharon! My dream is to find the dress in some little vintage shop totally unexcpected. That would be fun!

Eda sa...

Lovely outfit!

Anonym sa...

I wish I had the ability to nap...

I wanted to be a ballerina as a child too :)

thanks for tagging me sa...

I love reading Ur answers and thank U very much. Oh and as always, good work, because Ur outfit is perfect!

Happy Easter!

Anonym sa...

Fika is my favourite part of every day! Thanks for the tag - I'll do it ASAP!

Trisch xo

Madeline sa...

I absolutely love your outfit. I'm studying abroad in Oslo this summer so I am definitely going to have to check out that restaurant suggestion. thanks!!

Jen (MahaloFashion) sa...

I love cinnamon you can sprinkle it on anything.
cute denim skirt, makes me want to get one, I realized that's what's missing from my closet for spring.

Ella Gregory sa...

I really like the pale denim mini against the black tights. A really cool look.

Susana Rodrigues sa...

Hi :D
Thanks for tagging me and of course I don't mind ;) I'm posting (again) very soon, maybe today or tomorrow, and I'll answer to the questions then :)
Loving your skirt :)

Couture Carrie sa...

You look fabulous as usual, S! Great scarf!

Love this tag and your answers! Can't wait to see the gold vintage sequined jacket!

Happy Easter :)


Kira Aderne sa...


Thanks so much for tagging me! I am so honored, because you are such an inspiration for me, you are perfect!

I love your new blog, Congratulations for the huge success! You deserve it so much!

Kisses and kisses from Brazil,

Kira Aderne sa...

ah, I will come back to the ballet! I am so excited for it!

Anonym sa...

great answers--I adore posts like these :-)

Anonym sa...

lovely look and trendy skirt sa...

Happy Easter Honey!

xoxo: Janet

Vertiginoso sa...

Ooooooh YES the multiple expressions of "Seventies GLAM" are truly made for your haughty "Flower Child-esque" Beauty . . .
ps: I think that Florence AND Tuscany must be a Real Terrestrial Paradise !!!

à Bientôt, Antoine

Vertiginoso sa...

ps: Happy Easter to You !!!

Devon sa...

loooove your blog! xx

X sa...

Beautiful look, you are always very elegant.

Vogue in the City sa...

ilike your scraft

noone sa...

cute outfit! cinnamon tea is my fav too :)

Tricia sa...

How lovely everything shuts down, kind of forces everyone to relax!

Mimi sa...

Lovely photo! Your shoes are fab!

Thanks for the nomination :) Hope you find that Halston, how amazing is Halston by the way!?


Nika sa...

cute outfit!

What is Reality Anyway? sa...

so SO lovely Silje, you are such a powerful beauty x

Vera sa...

Looking incredible Silje, as always! I loved this post :)

Charms sa...

Your answers were all make sense and I love Italy too. I've been there for 5 times, and can't get enough of the place, especially Paris. I hope to get back soon, and if ever given a chance to finally moved out with my husband. I love your juicy couture boots by the way.

judith sa...

Very nice pictures. I have visited Paris once and am dying to visit again. It is the best place to visit in the world. holiday gift baskets