onsdag 11. november 2009

Getting my hair done


On Saturday I went and had my hair done. Dont you love those moments when you just get to sit there and relax? And the texture and color of the hair afterwards? Pure luxury and indulgence, just like it should be(Thanks Anki!). Hope you all are having a great week? I have been running around looking at a cool jeans line and trying to get together some Christmas presents. I dont want to be stressing with that come December. Have you startet Christmas shopping already?

Outfit: Leather jacket from Voice, sweater from Levis, jeans from Cubus, scarf from H&M, boots from DinSko and Marc by Marc Jacobs handbag.

21 kommentarer:

www.janetteria.com sa...

Love Ur skinny jeans but whole outfit is great as always, Silje!

If U have a mood look at my giveaway.


AK sa...

Jeg har ikke begynt med gavene enda, men utsetter det til desember for da er det viktigste på skolen over!

Style Search sa...

you look very lovely!

Nuheila sa...

Your hair looks so beautiful!!!I ll have hairdresser on saturday-can t wait;)Love your outfit too!


Anonym sa...

I know what you mean- I love how my hair feels after a cut and blowdry. I am avoiding my hairdresser at the moment just to let my hair grow a bit longer.

Love your jacket. Regarding Christmas shopping- I always leave it last minute. Let me know if you are ever in London, vi kan ta en fika och shopping tur tillsammans.

kram Dena x

Anonym sa...

Jeg er i gang med gavene, kjennes deilig! Er nok stuck i butikken jeg jobber i, i julerushet likevel! Stilig som alltid silje!

Sharon sa...

Hi there-your hair looks just lovely as does your casual chic outfit!! Hope you have a good weekend ahead!

Emilie sa...

Great outfit as always!!!!!!!! Love your jeans and your jacket! I haven't started shopping for Christmas or decorating, but I will soon!!!! I love Christmas!
And I will have my hair done on saturday morining, can't wait ;)
Emilie from http://whatshappeninginmyfashionworld.blogspot.com/

Grumpy old man sa...

You are a very stylish lady, all your pics proof that. Lovely outfit, love the boots and the leather jacket.
Have a super day!

kevinaddes sa...

Hi,Fashion is the best way to show out our personality and also glamour.. so i will take this article in my life...Thanks for sharing valuable info..


Benedicte sa...

fab som alltid! aah, jeg orker ikke engang tenke på julegaver jeg. men det er noe som er deilig å være ferdig med!!

Lauretha Sudjono sa...

your jacket is a huge love. loving your blog. <3333333

Make Do Style sa...

Ah yes such a nice feeling - you look fab as ever x

WendyB sa...

Oh yes, I looove getting my hair done.

FashionJazz sa...

Luv ur outfit!!U look stunning! : ) xx

Iñaki sa...

I won't ever stop liking a good leather jacket with a classic wash of jeans!


X sa...

Dear friend always so fantastic, I've changed the look.
You can see in:

the healthy ghost sa...

You look beautiful!

What is Reality Anyway? sa...

your hair looks amazing!!!!!!

Pauli sa...

beautiful outfit!

Charms sa...

"Every month, I see to it that I have time to go to spa and saloon for body massage and hair spa. It's every woman's way of relaxing I think beside shopping. You always wear great outfit, and always like every bag you carry, as much as I love cheap Juicy Couture handbag."