mandag 2. november 2009

A night at the Opera


Just got home from a night at the Opera. Where I experienced three ballet stories from Spanish Nacho Duato. The new Norwegian Opera House is really worth a visit if you are ever in Oslo. It is situated by the sea like a huge stone of ice. The architecture is amazing and a real treat for those with a love for design. Thank you for all the wonderful comments on the post below!
Wearing: H&M sequin dress, Lindex tights, Zara handbag, Forever21 cardigan and Whyred boots.

25 kommentarer:

stilettolover91 sa...

You look fabulous!!! I love the whole look!

Anonym sa...

that sounds so glamorous, and you certainly look glam! sa...

U look so stunning, Silje! Ur dress is pretty and little bit 20' collection?


Emilie sa...

You look so glamorous! Great outfit!

Sharon sa...

Hi there-sounds like a wonderful experience and you look lovely too!

Anonym sa...

Silje, sounds like you had a great night. Love the outfits you put together, always look so glam.


Nuheila sa...

Love your outfit!Especially sequin dress.Opera House looks really beautiful:)

X sa...

Beautiful stylish.
Kisses (Suz) sa...

love your look!

Kristin sa...

You look stunning!

Anonym sa...

You look very sexy in that dress...

Vertiginoso sa...

I really like the way the designed crystal-like frame sublimates your presence AND outfit's Dark/casual Majesty . . .

à Bientôt, Antoine

Couture Carrie sa...

Stunning, darling Silje! Love that sequin dress so!


Siljesfashion sa...

Hi Janet, thanks so much. The dress is a couple of months old, but still going strong!

Brooke sa...

You look beautiful...and the architecture does look amazing!

Anonym sa...

love that alll great collection

X sa...

For you

Ivelina FriChic sa...

Fantastic outfit, the dress toned down with the cardigan and that studded bag... PERFECTION!

Siru sa...

The place looks amazing! As does your outfit!

juliet xxx

Benedicte sa...

stunning stunning!!!!

Style Spot sa...

Du bare stråler der du står, Silje! Elsker dette antrekket også. Du oser stil og eleganse fra topp til tå :)

Jen (MahaloFashion) sa...

Love the dress xx

Fashion Trend Guide sa...

Gorgeous! Sounds like an amazing evening. When are you coming to CA?

FashionJazz sa...

Perfect outfit for the Opera! : ) xx

Style Syrup sa...

You look effortless yet spot on!