søndag 24. januar 2010

Gray and black


leila hafzi 1999

I am so tired of the snow and its still months away from Spring. I take comfort in enjoying the small things in my life, like a sunday free off everything. Today I am meeting up with some friends and just relaxing before another hectic week. I am a huge fan of simplicity these days, and gray and black is a great color combination. I got these boots on loan for a competition at minMote, so we took these shots outside yesterday. I think they are pretty cool. If you are Norwegian, you can enter the competition over at minMote.no (Apologies to my foreign readers). Wish you all an amazing week!

Outfit: Jacket from Voice, jeans from Koola Anna, husbands Levis sweater, boots from Tamaris.

27 kommentarer:

Nuheila sa...

Love the combination of black and grey.Your boots are gorgeous!

Have a fab sunday!


AK sa...

Stilige støvletter! Elsker grått og svart sammen

www.janetteria.com sa...

Love this combo, especially that jacket!

P.S.: ♥Please don't forget to join the Gypsy Warrior Brand's giveaway!♥

Good luck!


Sassi sa...

you look stunning! love the overknee boots...

Gon sa...

simplicity is always a nice thing and you look great!


Anonym sa...

the colors look amazing on you! i love that outfit!



Sharon sa...

Hi there-yes grey and black are a wonderful colour combo, you look gorgeous!!

Ariana @Artarra sa...

I love this combination - you look gorgeous - and I can totaly understand you - I am waiting for spring as well...

MELISSA Z. sa...

I've just discoverd your blog and i love it! You've a great style!

If you want, check out my blog and leave a comment!


Emilie sa...

I love that gray and black outfit! Fab as always! And that braid...wow! You look so pretty!

Style Spot sa...

Du får til en herlig kombinasjon av svart og grått, Silje! Ha en herlig uke du også :)

Vertiginoso sa...

I Frankly think that this chromatic combination (powerfully) tend to define a certain "Timeless Elegance" (new) idea, especially on a Haughty Timeless Beauty like you Dear Silje !!!

à Bientôt, Antoine

tess sa...

love the different neutrals here

I am writing to tell you that I had to shut down my old blog due to personal reasons, but I have started a new one, posting under the new link above and under the name "tess."

please stop by!


Make Do Style sa...

Yes grey and black work well xx

La Mimi sa...

Black and gray combos look great with your coloring...:) OH, I always love what you wear:)


Dare sa...

Great jacket, aren't you cold?:D By the way, really like how you do your hair.

the style spotter sa...

love the shades of gray!


Kira Aderne sa...

I love all, but the boots stole my heart!

Have a great weekend cool girl!

Style Syrup sa...

Thats a fantastic outfit. I'm not used to dressing for such cold weather. However, you make it look effortless. :)

Anne sa...

Hej Silje!
Long time, no see - eller hvad man nu siger. Det er i hvert fald efterhånden længe siden, jeg har været herinde at kigge, men nu kom jeg i tanker om dig igen. Dejligt at se, at du stadig klarer dig godt! Og jeg er glad for at se, at du stadig har linket til min gamle blog. Nu er jeg begyndt at blogge igen på adressen http://annev-blog.blogspot.com
Du skal være velkommen til at kigge ind :) God fornøjelse med bloggen, moden og alt det andet!!
Mange hilsner fra Anne

Charms sa...

Your outfit is simple, but it looks amazing on you because you are naturally beautiful. Your boots is great, always love juicy couture boots especially during winter.

Pia sa...

Hei, jeg har prøvd å profilert min blogg på min måte, men det går ikke.. har tastet inn koden mange ganger nå, og der forskjell på store bokstaver. Kanskje dere kunne tatt en kikk på dette? :))

Fashion Trend Guide sa...

Don't worry, spring is on its way! Love that side braid, it's a hairstyle that I've also been wearing lately (thanks to runway inspiration). It motivates me to grow my hair longer, too.

Danz sa...

Looking beautiful and stylish as always Silje! I'm loving the black and grey combo and those boots are hot!!

prettygeeky.com sa...

Colorless or not, you look amazing...can't really go wrong with a figure like yours! The boots and jacket are faaab!

prashant sa...

the colors look amazing on you! i love that outfit!

my lingerie blog

Anonym sa...

Grey and black look great together! I have never even seen snow.....I would be happy to take some off your hands.

And I love the boots!