søndag 10. januar 2010

Still cold


Its just freezing in Oslo. On friday I was in such a rush that I left the house in jeans and ended up with frost bites on my legs. Of course I got sick, so the whole weekend has been spent inside just relaxing and trying to get better. They say the worst of the cold is over, but its still freezing and the temperature have not changed that much yet. I do hope that it gets better soon, its such a challenge to look good when its that cold. Well, at least I will never go out without wool tights in this weather again. Staying inside today, its simply to cold to be outside. At least I get to shop online and prepare my spring wardrobe while I dream of warmer weather.
Thanks so much to Blue is in Fashion This Year for including me in this post!

Outfit: Vintage faux fur jacket, jeans from Koola Anna, boots from Acne, beanie from H&M, handbag from Gucci.

16 kommentarer:

AK sa...

Fint antrekk! Enkelt, men stilig:)

guildedsecret. sa...

fabulous boots!


Anonym sa...

its freezing here too! hope you feel better

WendyB sa...


www.janetteria.com sa...

Love Ur simple look! Gray and black = great choice!

P.S.: ♥Please don't forget to join the Miss C. Alexandria giveaway!♥

Good luck!


Nuheila sa...

I heard from one of my friend who lives in Oslo that it s terrible cold there!Hope you will feel better soon:)Love your black outfit and your new banner!!!





Make Do Style sa...

You poor thing! I've been a very good person with my wonderful thin ski thermal leggings under everything. The cold is just abating here and I know how cold Oslo's been.

ediot sa...

Hei hei! håper du hadde en fin helg
stilig antrekk. digger stövlene!
Det er alt for kaldt for tida, nesten best å holde seg inne ;)
ha en fin mandag. klem

Sharon sa...

Hi there-wishing you a speedy recovery and this is a great cosy chic look!!

Corie sa...

it's been really cold here in Georgia too!

but stay warm... and I love the boots!

Fashion Trend Guide sa...

I hope you feel better soon. In California, it actually feels like summer right now. I'm starting to buy more florals and stripes in anticipation for spring.

Blue is in Fashion this Year sa...

New feature for you :)
Love your style!

Emilie sa...

You have such a great style!
I love your boots!

prashant sa...

fabulous boots!

my lingerie blog

brandi sa...

i love this! very miroslava duma! wish i could find a coat like that :)