lørdag 20. februar 2010

The best from Oslo Fashion Week

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Veronica B. Vallenes is the seasons debutant
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Loved her clean lines and 80s references
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Mardou & Dean rocked, ever so cool
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Beautiful dresses at TSH
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Amazing brides at Leila Hafzi
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Dark, smoldering and mysterious at Epilogue
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Its been three both amazing and exhausting weeks. I have been travelling and running from shows to shows, with very few breaths and hours of sleep in between. What I am left with is a notion that designers simply are going for their signature looks for fall, wether its classic and clean, funny and colorful, edgy and mysterious. I must say that there are few suprises for fall, we have seen a lot of the same before. However, how you decide to play with fashion and put it together is on a whole different level. Hope you enjoy my pictures, I am sorry for not updating more, but it has been in one word: Crazy. Hope you all are having an amazing weekend!

Outfit: Dress from H&M Garden Collection, jacket from Voice, boots from Whyred and vintage handbag.

16 kommentarer:

Sharon sa...

Hi there-sounds like you've had an awesome time and thanks for sharing these collections, the pieces shown are gorgeous! Love your red dress too!

Gon sa...

Yeah, i really enjoyed Veronica B. Vallenes and Leila Hafzi, the shows were really well organized and creative but i also liked a lot Kristar Design, She is also very very good !

But i missed Epilogue..


www.janetteria.com sa...

WOW! Love Ur new dress, Silje!

Ladybird sa...

Så fint å se deg i knallrødt, ikke så ofte vi ser deg i sterke farger, men det så flott ut!

FashionHippieLoves sa...

wow the H&M Garden dress...


Fashion Tidbits sa...

love your h&m DRESS! can't wait to see the other pics of fashion week you put up later on

Trendy Gourmandise sa...

really nice

WendyB sa...

Love the blue printed strapless maxi

Schnappy sa...

Oh, 3. and 5. pictures are very cool!
I wait for you on my blog!
Have a nice day!

Zweiteiler sa...

great outfits and impressions! your life is so exciting!
how did you become as a journalist, stylist and personal shopper? which career training did you pass?


Anonym sa...

Høres gøy ut! Veronica B. Vallenes har presentert såååå mye fint denne sesongen! Flotte print og plagg!

the healthy ghost sa...

I like the jumpsuit and your clutch.

Anonym sa...

Love that you shared your week with us. I'm thinking more and more about breaking down and buying a pant's jumpsuit. Love the one here :)

Francesca Robertson sa...

awesome pics and i love your red dress. great blog, just stumbled across it


lekisskiss.blogspot.com <-- Texas gal bloggin fashion from NYC!

Emilie sa...

It looks like you had a great time!
Love the pics!

Trendy Gourmandise sa...

like you red dress

♥♥♥ http://trendygourmandise.blogspot.com/ ♥♥♥