lørdag 27. februar 2010

Outfits from Copenhagen Fashion Week

leila hafzi 2743

leila hafzi 2915
Thanks for all of your lovely comments! I have spent the last week inside with lumonia, so have been pretty out of it. But I am finally starting to feel a little better. Here are to outfits from Copenhagen Fashion Week, I had an amazing time running from show to show. Oh, and check out Amlul for more pictures. I met Gala in Copenhagen and she is such a lovely girl with an amazing sense of style. Have a great weekend!

Outfit 1: Red jacket from H&M Garden Collection (love this collection), skirt from Weekday, Express belt, Whyred boots. Outfit 2: Carin Wester from Weekday jacket, faux fur hat from H&M, skirt from Zara, boots from Whyred and Marc by Marc Jacobs handbag.

24 kommentarer:

tess sa...

love that pink blazer

Nuheila sa...

Both of your jackets are so gorgeous!Hope you feel better soon:)


cchaoticc sa...

I love the hat and white coat!

Fashionisaparty.com (Suz) sa...

that red jacket is so gorgeous!

Sharon sa...

Hi there-sounds like you've been having such an amazing time, these outfits, especially the red jacket are just gorgeous! Hope you are feeling better, have a good weekend too!

Anonym sa...

the red jacket is stunning on you. Hope you are feeling better beautiful.


Zweiteiler sa...
Denne kommentaren har blitt fjernet av forfatteren.
Zweiteiler sa...

your jacket looks amazing!
thanks for answering! yes, i think you´re right! You got the best of both worlds!
it´s a big dream of me to start as a stylist or a fashion journalist!But i think, it´ll stay a dream... I´ll follow the shows on your great blogg :D


X sa...

Beautiful outfits, you look great!

Anonym sa...

Love the jacket from the garden collection H&M! Really nice outfits by the way.

Fräulein Luise sa...

Both outfits are amazing, but this red blazer is absolutely awesome!! Haven´t seen it yet in the German H&M shops.

Francesca Robertson sa...

i love that red blazer


lekisskiss.blogspot.com <-- Texas gal bloggin fashion from NYC!

www.janetteria.com sa...

I need a same blazer for H&M! :-)

Emilie sa...

Love the first outfit!
You look fab!

Make Do Style sa...

Great looks and I love the H&M garden collection too can't wait for it to hit UK

the healthy ghost sa...

Love the first jacket!

Erin sa...

Oh dear I adore your outfits...Just happened upon your blog and I love it...have been reading through your posts and they're all so fashionable...! Will definitly be back!

Love love love,



Agyness sa...

I am loving your red jacket!!! It is super feroish!!!

P.S. I would love if you would check out my blog!

Fashion Trend Guide sa...

I hope you are feeling much better. That red jacket is divine.

FashionHippieLoves sa...

gorgeous as always!


hewnly sa...

love your outfits!!

Mira sa...

Digger det andre antrekket!! Fantastisk!

WendyB sa...

Cute red jacket!

Anonym sa...



