Wishing the snow would disappear. At least I fixed up my hair this week, loved getting a little lighter. I am getting ready for Fashion Weeks. First stopp is Stockholm and Copenhagen next week. Also looking forward to four days of fashion in London later in the month. Are som of you guys going?
Outfit: Jacket from Zara, pants Cubus, shoes Aldo, sweater Gina Tricot.
18 kommentarer:
your shoes are amazing!
very beautiful!
the jacket is lovely!
You look HOT!!! Love the shoes!!! It's been snowing like every week here in NY and it's so annoying!!!!
så fin!
åh som jeg lengter til sommeren! håper virkelig det er blitt mer vår i london når vi skal dit.. man kan ihvertfall håpe.. haha
håper du har en fin uke!
Hi gorgeous!
Great to hear from you!
Love this look, especially the shoes!
Gorgeous boots! I want them!
Love this look!
Awesome shoes!
I'm going to Paris Fashion Week....will you be there?
i love that jacket! you have great style
Love the look. That jacket is cute and looks warm.
desverre nei:( men kos deg masse! Og stilig antrekk, likte veldig godt komboen militærgrønn/leopard!
. Iben
The shoes are beautiful!!!!Love your style!!!!
xoxo Cybelle & Fabi
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Please, check mine, & maybe we can follow eachother? + join my giveaway!
Thanks and love,
Cindy from www.glamourblog.tk
ahhh!!! I want your shoes
Great post. Thanks for sharing!
xoxo, Amanda Archambault
Åå, gleder meg til våren kommer, og jeg kan bruke hæler! Begir meg ikke ut på det i snøen, hehe!
I love your shoes!
Juliet xxx
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