onsdag 5. januar 2011

Red leather


New year, new combinations. I have been mesmerized by the red leather pants since Isabel Marant sent them marching down the runway. Since bying a pair from IM is out of my budget, I have patiently awaited the highstreet versions. When COS did, I was to late, but I finally managed to get my hands on these babies at H&M. I am so happy, cant wait for the weather to warm up, so that I can use them with my pointy stilettos. Oh, and I love my new coat and handbag from Zara, the coat was a good deal on sale and the handbag a early christmas present.

Outfit: Jacket and handbag from Zara, pants from H&M, sweater from Cubus, boots from Whyred.

15 kommentarer:

www.janetteria.com sa...

Oooh just perfect, darling Silje! And yes what a great bargain!

Janne Natalie sa...

for en flott jakke!

Lizette sa...

Love those red pants! I wish I lived near an H & M.


Unknown sa...

Jeg elsker røde lærbukser. Dumt at ingen butikker har kjøpt dette inn i Bergen. Lurte et øyeblik på om jeg skulle reise ens ærend til oslo for å få fatt i de der. Uansett, du ser fantastisk ut. elsker linjene i antrekket og fargekombinasjonen.

Hilsen Iben

Emilie sa...

This outfit screams perfection!
Love it!

Sharon sa...

Hi my dear-such a chic look, the coat and leather pants were fabulous buys indeed! Happy New Year too! xx

Siru sa...

They look amazing on you!

juliet xxx

Cybelle e Fabi sa...

Gorgeous!!!!Love the look!!!Love the blog!!!Please visit our blog


xoxo Cybelle and Fabi

ZANAH sa...

I love this outfit very much !!!

Mon Mode Blog

VictoriaLuise sa...

Great Outfit! Love your pants!!


nowshine sa...

Hi I´m a new follower. I love your style, I´m on a hunt for red leather pants like forever. I never saw them at H&M! Are they H&M trend? Or Divided? Just love the whole look. xx


This outfit is gorgeous!

karen lee sa...

these outfits really perfect I like the combination with

Graciela sa...

love those red pants!

Al sa...

Loving your outfit !