fredag 28. august 2009

Fab Friday!

Bilde 1028

Just got home from work and finshed watching The Rachel Zoe Project, Season 2, courtesy of Youtube. I must say that I love the show, its hilarious and fun on so many levels. Season 2 did not yet disappoint and it all seemed like crazy madness fashion bananas! I am dealing with my own crazy life of the moment, I am telling you, theres just not enough hours in a day to make it all work. Next week I have fittings, clients, a makeover, and on Saturday I am going to be part of a huge event at Jernbanetorget, a fashion show and party that will last all day. If you live in Oslo, you should check it out at
In between it all, I always have time for shopping, so I bought these pants with leather patches and the tie lace wedges that I love already. Have a great weekend!

Wearing: Mens shirt from H&M, pants from Gina Tricot, shoes Bianco and bracelets from ebay, Karma and H&M.

19 kommentarer:

Vintage Lollipops sa...

So effortlessly chic... this is one of my favorite combinations. So foxy! xxx sa...

So chic! especially love those sandals Honey Silje!

Have a great Friday!

XoXo (Suz) sa...

love this! noncha and chic :)

Barbro Andersen sa...

those pants are awesome :D

Anonym sa...

it's fresh and casual. Love the sandals!!!

Sharon sa...

Hi my dear-perfection as usual, you look great! Have a hopefully relaxing weekend, LOL!

Anonym sa...

Har tagget deg til en utfordring på bloggen min =) Håper du vil ta den! Bare å kopiere skjemaet og fylle inn dine svar!


Couture Carrie sa...

You look fabulous, S! Love those pants!

CC (Suz) sa...

really love people like you who can make something look very fashionable from some simple items. nice sandals!
though i see i already commented on this, but better do it too often than too few right? ;)

I V Y sa...

wow i love your header! this outfit is great and reminds me of the outfit ashley olsen wore a while ago.

Make Do Style sa...

Wonderful look - you are fab!

Fashion Trend Guide sa...

I haven't seen the 2nd season yet, must go watch it...I'm glad you're keeping busy. Hope you're still finding time to relax and enjoy the last days of summer.

Kira Aderne sa...

I do need to watch this show and you look so fab!
You are the best!

The most chic woman I know!!

Emilie sa...

So chic! Love this outfit! You look amazing!
I haven't seen the second season yet but I love The Rachel Zoe Project!!!

Style Spot sa...

Silje, du ser alltid så fantastisk ut!! Jeg elsker stilen din. Er faktisk i Oslo på lørdag så da skal jeg jammen meg ta meg en tur på jernbanetorget ;)

AlexKhaz sa...

I love this look, very cool and casual!

Check out my blog for the latest Designer Denim sales, True Religion, R&R, 7FAM up to 75% off!

LaurenSchoon sa...

Cute shoes!!

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin sa...

Gorgeous easy breezy casual look!

erika sorocco sa...

Those pants are amazing - I adore the shimmer and shine. Paired with that crisp button-down Oxford...I die! :)