fredag 21. august 2009

Fashion Week Bananas

Bilde 1012

Last week was Fashion Week in Oslo and I worked 24/7, so I am sorry there have been no updates. For my Norwegian readers, you have hopefully been following my blog at minMote. It was a great week, filled with great fashion shows and lots of inspiration. Now, I am so behind on everything, that I need to figure out what all of you have been doing! Hopefully I will be able to catch up over the weekend.
Here is a picture (sorry about the bad quality) from the opening day of Fashion Week, I am wearing blouse and jeans from Zara, shoes from Nine West, lots of silver bracelets (addicted) and Marc by Marc handbag.

18 kommentarer:

Sharon sa...

Hi my dear-so pleased to hear you've had a fun, fabulous week-even if it was hectic, LOL!! Lovely outfit as usual, that blouse is very Balmain-the shoulder details rock!! Have a wonderful-hopefully relaxing-weekend my dear!! sa...

Hey Silje,

U look so fashionable! I especially love the black top with cool shoulder details... WOW!


stilettolover91 sa...

U look amazing!!!!!! Great post!

Linda-Mari sa...

Fikk du tak i denne toppen i Oslo? Lenge siden? Hvilken Zara?

Blue is in Fashion this Year sa...

I've just posted a collage with this blouse but I've seen your outfit too late... :(

X sa...

Are spectacular as always, no matter the quality of the picture.
Silje greetings.

Siljesfashion sa...

Hei Linda-Marie, Den kjøpte jeg på Zara i Bogstadveien for ca 2 uker siden og jeg fikk den siste som hang der. Men du kan alltids høre med de om de får inn flere!

Couture Carrie sa...

So fabulous, S! Love that top!


Make Do Style sa...

Great outift - very fashion week fashionista!
The glass of wine is a good accessory

Anonym sa...

Love the ´80s outfits...
You loo sooo fashionable!
Great outfit!

KY sa...

You look absolutely amazing, great outfit!

Fashion Trend Guide sa...

Love the strong shoulder silhouette! You look so chic!

Anonym sa...

great to be at the fashion week... i can't wait to be at Paris's fashion week. Love your style on this picture. It's just wearable and so elegant.

Kat sa...

Love your Zara blouse...and we own the same sandals!

Emilie sa...

You look fabulous!!!!
I love the jeans and the blouse!
Great outfit!

Olga Babenko sa...

Hello, sweetie!
My name is Olga.
I find Ur posts interesting and really helpful. We have the same addictions =)

I also have a blog: What do you think about it?

I've just started to write so there isn't too much to you agree?)
I would be nice if we could do a link exchange.

The best wishes, Olya Baileys.

WendyB sa...

Love those shoulder pads!

What is Reality Anyway? sa...

you look so effortless, and the best dressed one there im sure!