fredag 19. mars 2010

Cosmopolitan Beauty Awards


Yesterday I was invited to the Cosmopolitan Beauty Awards in Oslo. I had a blast relaxing with friends and listening to A1. Had a minor fashion crisis before going out, but picked up this light pink dress at the last minute. It felt wonderful dressing in lighter colors and I love the neckdetail. Pictured with Eva-Charlotte Stenberg, a TV-presenter in Norway, such a lovely girl. Today I am exhausted, but it was a great party, so all worth it. Have a lovely weekend!

Outfit: Blazer from Zara, Dress fra H&M, Boots from Whyred and a vintage clutch.

13 kommentarer:

Sharon sa...

Hi there-sounds wonderful and your outfit is just lovely too! have a good weekend my dear!

Make Do Style sa...

You look fab and I keep meaning to ask you do you know Truda - I was good friends with her when we both lived in Bristol. Sorry that's off your post but was due to tv presenter reference xx

Synnøve sa...

Å, det hørtes gøy ut!! :) Flotte bilder!!

brandi sa...

i love that clutch!

Anonym sa...

gorgeous dress. x

Fashion Tidbits sa...

love the blazer!!!

Emilie sa...

You look wonderful! And it must have been such a great night!

Glamour-Och-Fläskpannkaka sa...

cool outfit!
I like your jacket!

escritora sa...

You look fabulous :)

t sa...

You look so great!! :)

Anonym sa...

nice outfit. you look beautiful on the photo

Siru sa...

That's so cool!I hate to spam, but I wanted to tell you that my blog birthday party continues with second giveaway. Come try your luck!

juliet xxx

Style Spot sa...

Ser ikke ut som du hadde en liten fashion crisis for du ser fabelaktig ut, Silje! Den kjolen er nydelig på deg :) Og så heldig du er som fikk a1 som underholdning...har vært fan siden jeg var bitteliten..sjarmerende gutter! Håper du har hatt en flott helg, og jeg ønsker deg en herlig ny uke og ikke minst en super påske :)