Sharon behind MyStyle-Thrifting, Fashion, Me gave me this wonderful award, which I humbly accept. The rules are telling 7 things about myself and pass the award on to 7 other bloggers. So here goes!
1. I get grumpy when I dont eat, and I dont mean a little.
2. I used to be a balletdancer, but then an injury stopped me from continuing.
3. My favorite snack is chocolate, but I try to not eat to much.
4. I used to read about 40-60 blogs a day, but lately things have been to hectic.
5. My all time favorite movie is Dirty Dancing and Silence of the Lambs. Wonder what that says about me?
6. During the holidays, I like to read crime novels and take a break from fashion. The mind seems clearer when I return to work.
7. I love to travel. While there is no place like home, visiting a new place or city is holds a lot of excitement and joy.
I pass this award to:
Creative and witty Emily of CupcakesandCashmere
Inspiring and beautiful Bardotinblue
Amazing Janet of Janetteria
Savy Kate of Make Do Style
Lovely Heather of Fashion Tidbits
I love this girls wardrobe, Emilie from My Little Fahion Diary
Fashionlover Sunniva from Stylespot
Have a wonderful easter!
5 kommentarer:
Oh thank you so much!
I'm a huge fan of your blog!
And I have to say that I get very very grumpy when I don't eat too ;)
I've added you to my blog list and I would LOVE you to add my blog to your favorites too ;)
thank you so much! I am so honored to receive this award from such an amazing fashionista as you! I am glad to hear you enjoy my blog as much I enjoy all your posts. I will be sure to thank you properly in my next blog update :-D
xoxo Bardot in Blue
PS I love the seven insightful things about you...I too find myself wanting to snack on chocolate a little too often <3
Oh thank you! Now we know why you have such beautiful posture and wear you clothes so well, even though it is a shame about the injury. My knees and ankles were never good enough to continue with ballet!
Congratulations...! I also get very grumpy when I don't eat...snap :)
Love love love,
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