lørdag 3. april 2010

In the Studio

Before Easter I have been working hard on two new projects for minMote. Here I am in the studio, the day before the first tapings of the episodes. Love the energy, being on camera and just having such a fun job.
Wearing: Jacket from H&M, sweater from Cubus, skirt from Zara, tights from Lindex, and those Whyred boots.

22 kommentarer:

Nuheila sa...

Love your outfit,jacket makes it fresh.Have a fab day!


X sa...

Hi Silje, as always showing signs of style.
I love visiting your blog.

stilettolover91 sa...

Great outfit!! You look Fab!!


tess sa...

that skirt is awesome

www.janetteria.com sa...

Oooh, brilliant outfit. Love the colormix!

Emilie sa...

Love your outfit! You always look amazing!
And you have a great job dear!


Nice outfits you've got here.
and also ur blog, really lovely ;)
count me on you've got one more follower ;)

Janne Natalie sa...

Så spennende!

kult antrekk. tror jeg må skaffe meg en jeansjakke jeg og..

Kira Aderne sa...

you deserve all girl! You are the right girl for the right job, best style ever!

WendyB sa...

Cute jacket! I like the light denim.

Style Spot sa...

Silje, tusen takk for awarden! Jeg synes det er ekstra stas når den kommer fra deg for jeg er en kjempe fan av deg :) Lykke til med alle prosjektene dine, og jeg gleder meg til å se de episodene dere skal filme! Og så må jeg si at du ser så vakker ut i dette antrekket. Veldig inspirerende! Ha en herlig uke :)

Fashion Tidbits sa...

it's a super cute outfit! i love incorporating a denim jacket into my outfits nowadays too

2moss sa...

i love the whole outfit! the skirt is so cool!!

Sharon sa...

A very lovely outfit, have a good week too!!

Gorgeous Glam sa...

Gorgeous! xoxo

She Wore It Well sa...

I am loving that outfit... I'm obsessed with nautical stripes. x

Anonym sa...

Elsker din outfit her, fantastisk:)

x Factory Girl

Anonym sa...

great photo!
love the jacket(:


Fashion Trend Guide sa...

Sounds like so much fun! The striped top is incredibly chic.

Benedicte sa...

fin som alltid=)

Haleigh sa...

fabulous outfit as always! seem like you have the best job ever :-D

xoxo Bardot in Blue

Olga Babenko sa...

mmm....You look great!
very creative!