lørdag 7. mars 2009

Be a Bad Girl

Bilde 567

Bilde 580

Bilde 587

Bilde 571
Outfit: Dress vintage, Tights: Lindex, Shoes: Din Sko, Attitude: Priceless

Idag følte jeg jeg for å være en ekte "Bad Girl" og den følelsen viste seg å være helt riktig. Jeg må innrømme at jeg ofte strever (som så mange andre jenter) med å være en "Good Girl". Mote er en måte å få ut følelsene dine, å melde et budskap uten å si et ord. Derfor synes jeg det er helt fantastisk når folk erlærer at klær ikke betyr noe. Er det ikke slik at et førsteinntrykk dannes etter tre sekunder? Say no more. Et av plaggene jeg har som får meg til å føle meg som en Bad Girl, er denne vintagekjolen, et annet er lakkleggingsene. Har du et plagg som får deg i et Bad Girl humør?

Sometimes you just want to be a Bad Girl. There really is no feeling like it. I must admit I always strive to be the good girl, to make the right decisions, like our parents always thought us. Then it is really deliberating to play dress up as another character, if only just for a day. I do think clothes always says something about who you are, and what you want to be. Those people who says clothes is not important, may forget that we all decided within 3 seconds if we like a person or not. To say your clothes does not matter, is a a lie, and maybe a deception. Today I feel like being a bad girl ( and what a wonderful feeling that is), so I decided to dress up in one of my favorite dresses. I think we all have those outfits in our wardrobe that makes us feel like a decadent Bad Girl. One of mine is this dress. Bring on the champagne.

40 kommentarer:

Susana Rodrigues sa...

Beautiful dress and amazing shoes! You look great!

Anonym sa...

love this, the belt is fantastic!

Marta sa...

Kjempefin kjole og sko:) Ser bra ut!

www.janetteria.com sa...

U look so fantastic! I adore all of them, esp. those sandals!

xoxo: Janet

Frøken Funky Farm sa...

Great look! You kind of look like a bad good girl, and that's pretty hot! ;)

Mimi sa...

Your bad girl look is hot, you look the part and got the attitude down!


ediot sa...

nydelig kjole!
skjörtet er fra primark. helt perfekt.. og bare 8 £- så det er superbra

Anonym sa...

i love that dress!

Nuheila sa...

you look great!beautiful dress and shoes,pictures are so lovely:)

WendyB sa...

You have a naughty expression :-)


Totally agree with you and I like when you feel like a bad girl! This dress is beautiful. Have a wonderful week-end!

Vertiginoso sa...

Because the Fashionista is a GLAMorous chameleon with many Faces !!! AND the mix Classy presence / "Bad Girl-esques" impulses is Delightfully Bewitching . . .

à Bientôt, Antoine

Unknown sa...

fab dress!!! such a great look!

anette sa...

Liker attityden din! Og kjolen er veldig fin! Enig i det er tull at klær er overflatisk. Leste du første utgaven av personae? Der sto det masse om akkurat det, jeg likte særlig artikkelforfattteren som sa rett ut at han syntes folk som ikke brydde seg om klærne sine var mindre interessante enne andre... Sånn apropos bad attitude.

Sharon sa...

Hi there-gorgeous vintage dress, love the sequin part of it! Enjoy your 'bad' weekend my dear!!

Anonym sa...

What a beautiful dress! And the shoes also! fantastic outfit

p.d.I bought the hat at a market in St. Petersburg....it's an origianl one!

Trendy Gourmandise sa...

i like that outfit so much ! you look gorgeous !

Mom Fashion World sa...

you're so pretty.
i love the whole outfit esp the belt.


Hippie, hippie - milkshake sa...

love your dress. bra vintage kjøp frøken...NYDELIG! De skoene har jeg også siklet på.... de er så fine....

Marianne sa...

Den kjolen var utrolig flott! :D


Elsker kjolen - kjempefin! :)

Anonym sa...

you look so pretty! That vintage dress with the shoes is just incredible :-)

the healthy ghost sa...

Oh I love that dress:what was the name of the ebay shop?,if you want to tell me your secret.

Anonym sa...

love the dress, shimmering and elegant, not to be a bad girl :)

Marte sa...

FAB antrekk! Digger kjolen...

bi-style sa...

Wow, amazing dress! You look gorgeous and I love the shoes.

Tuppene sa...

Ååå.. den kjolen var fantastisk!!

Flavia Flanders sa...

I like your style and I cannot believe you met Dita, she is so gorgeous and unique!


Always so gorgeous, Silje!

Have a great week!


Anonym sa...

Å den kjolen. Kommer til å drømme om den kjolen. Du så helt nydelig ut i den:)

Fashion Tidbits sa...

i love the cinched side!

Anonym sa...

Jeg ELSKER kjolen Silje! Du ser utrolig flott ut!

Vintage Lollipops sa...

Ah, beautiful... yes, sometimes being bad is oh so good!!!

I LOVE this!

La Mimi sa...

Truly fabulous dress! Although it's vintage it looks like it's straight off the runway from Balmain's fall 09 collection.

Anonym sa...

You look so great! I love this dress :D And I totally agree - first impressions really do matter. I always judge haha.

Trisch xo

Jen (MahaloFashion) sa...

This is a great party outfit, one of my favorite looks from you!

Rhia sa...

I just found your blog, and I like your style very much =) and that black dress is gorgeous!

Fashion Garden sa...

oooh love the dress ! I m adding you on my blog list for sure ! love you blog ! :)


Nil sa...

Loved that dress and those shoes are so beautiful!

K'arhol sa...

beautiful blog and photos , im gonna follow u
see ya