søndag 15. mars 2009

Sunny Side Up

kaffe i solen 009
Jacket: Vintage of ebay, Jeans: Citizen of Humanity, Shoes: Uggs, Beanie: H&M, Sunnies: Oliver Peoples, Sun: Amazing
Endelig en smak av vår! Sol, nydelig kaffe og godt selskap gjør søndagen perfekt.

Finally a taste of Spring! As you can see, its still a lot of snow. Sun, good coffee and great company, is always a winner in my book.

13 kommentarer:

Anonym sa...

Great sun glasses


Anonym sa...

love your coat!

www.janetteria.com sa...

I love Ur coat and Oliver People sunglasses!

Vote at my blog (combination post) if U have a mood!

Anonym sa...

You look great and I totally agree. Nothing makes me happier than having hot chocolate or coffee with my best friends and just laughing! Have a great week Silje!

Trisch xo

Anonym sa...

love the sun glasses and the coat is great and wearable and seems to be comfortable

Sharon sa...

Hi there-you look lovely, I'm amazed at the amount of snow there!!

Ida sa...

Endelig litt sol! Solbrilletid!!! Jippi!

Bhavesh Chhatbar sa...

Nice dressing, and cool photo.

Smoked Off Face at the Willingdon Crescent in Jamnagar
Birdhouses, Birdfeeders, Birdbath

Anonym sa...

LOVE, LOVE, LOVE that coat. I've got to shop on Ebay more often.... :-)

Mona sa...

Knalltøffe solbriller!!

Vintage Lollipops sa...

I LOVE this... you look so chic and classic!

Tricia sa...

there's nothing like the sun after a long winter, I want to sit in it for hours like a cat!

Ragna sa...

Ser deilig ut! Søndag var jo helt fantastisk å spasere rundt i Oslo, fortsatt litt kaldt men veldig bra i solveggen :-) Viktig å kle seg varmt, utrolig hvor mye det hjelper bare med en lue på.