tirsdag 3. mars 2009

Statement Jewelry

Jeg elsker smykker, fordi de kan forandre et antrekk fra kjedelig til spennende på et lite øyeblikk. En trend som fortsetter denne våren, er nettopp de store smykkene. Øredobber som hos Zac Posen, ekstravagante kjeder hos Lanvin og armbånd på armbånd hos Marc Jacobs, jo større jo bedre. Alt skal være i X-Large. Oksidert sølv var en stor hit på catwalken, men er du en gulljente, er det vel så fint. Et stort smykke forandrer som sagt et antrekk på 1-2-3 og er en rimelig moteinvestering. Sjekk ut billigkjedene for rimelige alternativer som dette fra asos eller søk på ebay eller i vintagebutikker for et helt unikt smykke.
I love jewelry, since it can transform a boring outfit in a minute. And this season its all about the bigger, the better. Big silver earrings at Zac Posen, statement necklaces at Lanvin and huge bangles at Marc Jacobs. There should be something for everybody. I am dying to get my hands on a huge vintage one, like Olivia Palermo wore in a recent episode of The City. Do you know the one I am talking about? However, since I know that takes some time to find, I will settle for this inexpensive and fun necklace from Asos for now. Perfect to pair with sweet summer dresses.

11 kommentarer:

Anonym sa...

Pretty necklace--I love the big statement jewelry as well! I especially like the clunky vintage bangles, earrings, etc that were so prevalent in the fifties and sixties...just gorgeous :-)

www.janetteria.com sa...

I love it! :)

Anonym sa...

It's just great! Have a look at my blog, as I'll be moving in a few months I'm selling a few things!
Ha det!

anette sa...

Det kjedet vil jeg ha! Elsker store smykker og bling!

Mette sa...

Så fint det smykket var..

cleo sa...

pretty necklace!!!
i love youe blog so much..i found it at hande's and love!!!

Mimi sa...

Statement jewelry is the best, love big bold pieces.


Anonym sa...

statement necklaces are my favorite

Sharon sa...

Hi there-this is a lovely one, a fabulous find my dear!

Lady Melbourne sa...

Hello there darling! Statement jewellery is my favourite way to accessorise, in fact I did a recent post on it!
You are looking fabulous by the way, I love the animal print dress from you previous post.

Charms sa...

You are right, accessories and jewelries turn a boring outfit into a more exciting and fashionable one. It also adds glamour and style especially when you choose the simplest wardrobe you got. - juicy couture