tirsdag 17. mars 2009

This Weeks Bargain

Disse skoene fra Forever21 er rålekre og et kupp til under 200 kroner. Perfekte med strømper i, når det nå blir tørt på bakken. Kjenner du at våren kommer?
Love these fab shoes from Forever 21. They are a steal at 27 dollars and will be perfect for Spring weather. If the snow will ever disapear I can use them with tights before it gets warm enough to wear them barefoot.

22 kommentarer:

Anonym sa...

Wonderful shoes Silje! Did you buy them?

annabananna sa...

nice! same question from me: did you get them?

Hippie, hippie - milkshake sa...

nydelige... Synes alle finner mye fint på Forever 21- men selv har jeg kun kjøpt en singlet på Forever 21, i Beverly Center....

Susana Rodrigues sa...

Those are perfect! I think Forever 21 has amazing shoes :)

Unknown sa...

These are amazing, going to try to get them for sure :))

Ingunn sa...

herlige sko!


Mette sa...

Åh, de var fine. Likte at de har peeptoe og sløyfe bak :)

Anonym sa...

whoa. Those are from F21?!? LOVE. :-)

Siru sa...

OH! Too cute!

juliet xxx

Anonym sa...

great shoes, love the shape!

Sharon sa...

Hi there-wow, they are fab my dear!!

X sa...

divine shoes, very very nice.

Alice X sa...

gorrgeous shoes!


Mona sa...

Åh de var tøffe!!

WendyB sa...

Those are cute. I must say, I've never bought anything from there though!

www.janetteria.com sa...

Those are fantastic!

Surprise! Of course, U will find it on my blog. :D

xoxo: Janet♥

Siljesfashion sa...

Thanks girls! I have not bought them, yet. Still considering. But I love F21, they have such affordable fashion!

Fashion Trend Guide sa...

I've been eyeing these too, they're so affordable and chic.

Arielle sa...

i've seen those shoes before and told myself i would get them. aren't they absoutely lovely :)

Reminiscence sa...

I fall in love with them !

Elle S'en Vogue sa...

Those shoes are amazing!

Anonym sa...

So cute. Generally, I love shoes.