søndag 1. mars 2009

Favorite Looks of the Moment

Pictures: Fabsugar, Instyle

Bli inspirert av Nicoles fantastiske 70-talls kjole (Issa), Mary-Kates hvite blazer (en must have for våren), Kate Moss sin flørt med rosa og MKs nydelige svarte Balmainkjole. Den hvite blazeren er fra Elisabeth and James, det er også de kule skoene, som begge er litt utenfor mitt budsjett, så jeg prøver nok å finne en vintagejakke i samme stil.

Inspired by the current looks of Fashion Week and celebs everyday outfits. I am now craving a white oversized blazer (like Mary-Kate Olsen), a 70s inspired dress like Nicoles, a touch of pink like so wonderfully shown by Kate Moss and MKs black Balmain( Thanks, Sophie!)dress with lots of detailing. I also like how both MK and Nicole opted for those nude shoes, which makes their legs look a mile long. Whats not to like?

13 kommentarer:

Mette sa...

Mye fint her. Tror ikke den hvite blazeren får innpass i min garderobe med det første, men hvem vet. Ellers så elsker jeg Kates antrekk med den freshe rosa toppen.

Sophie Solveig sa...

mary-kate's dress isn't vintage... it's balmain!

Hippie, hippie - milkshake sa...

tenkte faktisk stjele typens hvite blazer som vi kjøpte vintage i san diego i fjor.. litt oversized er bare kult...
og rosa... Jeg er ingen pink lady, meen har akkurat fått meg en superfresh neglelakk i rosa. LOVE IT!

Sharon sa...

Hi Silje-oh I agree, very inspirational looks, Nicoles Issa dress is just perfect!

Sophie Solveig sa...

hehe;) i aslo love the other looks you picked out!

Anonym sa...

nicole sin kjole var knallfin. Både fargen og formen ;)


the healthy ghost sa...

Love Mary Kate´s blazer

Mimi sa...

My fave looks too! They were all so incredible, Mary-Kate's shoes are actually shoes from her line Elizabeth and James and she debuted them at fashion week... They're killer!


Anonym sa...

I'm loving Kate Moss's Look--she's always so chic!

Jen (MahaloFashion) sa...

they both have been looking so fabulous lately. Mary-Kate was a total surprise, she pulls off the large shoulders well.

Anonym sa...

j'adore the dress of Mary Kate Olsen and of Nicole Richie

Unknown sa...

I love the flashy pink shirt Kate is wearring

I love your header and your fur jacket. You look adorable!!


La Mimi sa...

Oh, nude shoes and white blazer are both such classics! I have the shoes , now I need to get my hands on a blazer! lol
Great post darling!
