fredag 13. mars 2009

My Day

Breakfastshopping at H&M. Madness, croissants and coffee.
New trends: Color, flower prints, animal prints, baggy jeans, zipper details, leather jackets and so much more. I ended up buying two tops, one in animal print and one black with butterfly arms.

After a day at work, it was time for more work and check out the latest in wedding trends.
A touch of red for the daring girls on the catwalk at Christiania Glassmagasin.
Big boquets in different shapes and styles.
Hard at work, or having fun at work. Interviewing Anne Karlsen about the latest wedding trends. Tulle, chiffon and lace seemed to dominate the catwalk. Wearing a old H&M jacket with the puff shoulders, that are coming back this season (I am finding a lot of oldies in my closet lately).

Igår startet dagen med frokostshopping på H&M. Det var helt sinnsykt mye mennesker og i et øyeblikk skulle man ikke tro at vi er midt oppe i en finanskrise. Selv om jeg synes det var helt umenneskelig å shoppe, klarte jeg å få med meg to topper, en croissant og kaffe. Deretter bar det videre på jobb, før kvelden ble avsluttet med brudevisning på Glassmagasinet. Der var det mange gifteklare som hadde møtt opp for å finne frem i bryllupsjungelen. Årets brudekjoletrender går i chiffon, tyll og blonder. Skal du stå brud, er det mye å glede seg til. Sjekk ut innslaget på VGTV her.
Yesterday I had a whirlwind day. Fun, fun fun. The day started with breakfastshopping at H&M, then I was off to more work before going home to change before the evenings TV-job. Scouting out the latest trends in bridal fashion is always fun, and I had a blast as always. When I finally made it home at ten pm I was exhausted, but in a good way. I guess you all know the feeling. You can see my videosegment here.

15 kommentarer:

X sa...

The wedding dresses are always beautiful, it's normal, they are for a very special day and that is supposed to be unique.

Rest and alimentate well, you should keep writing beautiful post, as nice as this.


Susana Rodrigues sa...

wow what a day!
Su sa...

What a fantastic day, Silje!

Have a great Friday!
xoxo: Janet

Sharon sa...

Hi there-sounds like you had a fabulous time and got some shopping in too, well done!!

Anonym sa...

ooo looks fun and yummy!

Tricia sa...

yum, croissants and h&m! and that's the biggest bridal bouquet I've ever seen!

Anonym sa...

Looks like a lovely day! I love the third wedding dress!

Trisch xo

ediot sa...

SÅ göy, åh, det må väre så sinnsykt spennende å få oppleve sånne ting?
hadde hatt veldig lyst å praktisere en uke eller to med det.. vet du om noe tilgjenglig?

Anonym sa...

what a fabulous day!! those wedding dresses looked so pretty :-)

Elizabeth sa...

those wedding dresses are wonderful!

Anonym sa...

the wedding dresses are great and special day means great feelings :)

Ella Gregory sa...

This looks like a pretty perfect day.

Cecilia sa...

Hi there! In response to the comment you left me, the shoes I wore in my profile picture are Dries Van Noten from AW07. :) I like your blog and you are beautiful also!

Anonym sa...

Great day...Pretty dresses!!

Hippie, hippie - milkshake sa...

veldig koselig å se deg på H&M, burde tatt bilder til bloggen jeg og....
buksen var kul, men vurderer om den skal beholdes eller byttes- fant en som lignet i skapet i litt lysere denim fra lee gold