søndag 25. januar 2009

Bargain of The Week

Ukens kupp er mitt nyeste tilskudd til bloggen. Hver uke skal jeg komme med en anbefaling, på hva jeg synes det er verdt å investere i. Denne uken var det disse lyse skoene fra Zara som fanget blikket mitt. Den nøytrale fargen virker forlengende på bena, og selv synes jeg både skoene er tøffe og behagelige. Perfekte til sommerens duse puddertrend eller steinvaskede jeans. Prisen er kanskje litt stiv, men husk at skoene er i skinn.

Introducing my latest addition to the blog: Bargain of the Week. Every week, I will list an item that I think is a good investment. Firts up, are these cool shoes from Zara. Theyr neutral color makes the legs a mile long and makes them perfect for summer. Remember, those neutral colors elongate the legs. I would wear these with my jumpsuits, skirts and shorts, when spring decides to come knocking.

20 kommentarer:

Angela sa...

very pretty shoes.

S sa...

Yes they are lovely!



Cupcakes and Cashmere sa...

i saw those in black and was undecided...in this muted town, however, i'm obsessed!

Sofia sa...

God, those shoes look fab!!

Nuheila sa...

yes they are beautiful!
i saw them also but i think i prefer black one:)

Sharon sa...

Hi there-these are very nice indeed!!

www.janetteria.com sa...

Perfect shoes!


Please check my blog for the FABOLOUS BLOG AWARD, I pass on you! ♥♥♥♥

Mona sa...

Guuud så lekre!

What is Reality Anyway? sa...

amazing choice silje, i will always trust you! x

Tricia sa...

great addition, and they are a great bargain.

Mimi sa...

Lovely shoes, and what a great idea on a new addition to your blog :]


Monique sa...

very cute! I like the slit down the front, likely to elongate the legs even more.

escritora sa...

very pretty shoes, indeed

Lady Melbourne sa...

Oh I love the idea of bargain of the week!
Those shoes are fab, if only we had Zara in Australia. I can't wait to see how you wear them!

Laura Andalou sa...

Beautiful! you got a lovely blog over all by the way.

with love from a idealist

paanie sa...

those are so fantastic! i'm jealous.

Anonym sa...

amazing i bought it yesterday!!!!!! j'adore!!!!!!!!!!!

Make Do Style sa...

They are lovely but will be £99 in the UK and now our euro rate is so pants Zara becomes quite an expense when abroad.
Great find and buy.

Couture Carrie sa...

Those are incredible, Silje! I love nude shoes!


wine-fueled narcissism sa...

Åj, helt perfekte sko jo! :) Veldig fine. Jeg har jo BARE sorte sko.