Det er sikkert mange som har lagt merke til den fantastisk stylingen til Kate Lanphear, men jeg måtte bare skrive litt om denne serien. Western/cowboy stilen er i motebildet denne våren og mokkasiner, frynser og slitt denim er bare noe av de vi kan forvente oss. Mine beste tips for denne trenden er å begynne med enkeltelementene. Du kommer langt med par kule vintage cowboy boots (Velouria Vintage har et bra utvalg), et par sandaler eller en veske med frynser i tillegg til dine slitte jeans og en vintagejakke med nagler.
Love the amazing styles of Kate Lanphear. I am sure many of you have already seen this, but I had to write about it anyways. I have always loved the Western Trend to some extent. This time around, I will be on the lookout for the details that make the outfit. Torn jeans, fringes on handbags, jackets and shoes, cowboy boots and statement jewelry in that rugged style, will make any outfit pop. Or if you want to go all the way, and be a real cowboygirl. Just remember to do it with a certain laid back cool, because you dont want to end up looking like Jessica Simpson. Will you be a cowboy girl this season?
11 kommentarer:
Oh, yeah. Very much likes, especially those shoes. Will you be a cowboy girl this season? Hmmmmm. I do not know. Possibly, I will buy some cowboy stylish pieces. Plaid shirt... Not really my style.
Kjempekule bilder! Enig i at stylingen er bra! Dette er nok ikke noe for meg, som er mer klassisk/praktisk med feminin tvist. Men jeg liker å se på andre stiler enn min egen. Jeg synes ofte det er lettere å se hva som får en kombinasjon til å funke da, om du skjønner hva jeg mener.
love the style, so USA!
Me being from Texas, always have the comparison to Jessica Simpson... But that's not who I want to be compared to ya' know? That picture is fab and amazing, THAT'S the western look that I like! :]
Hi Silje-oh yes, I'm sure I'll rock this look a good few times. I want to track down a denim mini skirt and a denim waistcoat, and maybe some other pieces I can track down in this trend.
maybe little touches here and there.
Wooooow I really want to be hunted by a sexy cow girl like Her !!!!
ps: You're delightfully full of statuesque/wistful serenity on your precedent post !!!
à Bientôt, Antoine
I will! I've got my eye on this fringed vest right now from F21. I just received my Elle yesterday, and I loved this editorial.
I've got a few hats....
Kate's a master. I do the cowboy look when I'm riding western, but that's about it. Looking forward to you bringing it to life, though!
Love the hat and I'm always on the look out for cowboy boots but have never found the perfect pair yet!
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