onsdag 14. januar 2009

Celeb Favorites

Shopbop har latt kjendisene velge sine favoritter på nettsiden deres. Chloë Sevigny synes jeg har utrolig kul stil og hennes favoritter akkurat nå er blant annet bestefarskardigans, ankelboots og kort skjørt. Sjekk ut også ut stilen til Sarah Michelle Gellar og Anna Farris.

Celebs pick their favorites at Shopbop. I love Chloë Sevignys quirky sense style, she is always willing to take fashion risks on the red carpet. In fact, I often think the girls that make the interesting choices on the big screen, mirrors those choices in their fashion life.

12 kommentarer:

Sharon sa...

Hi there-I agree, she has a quirky, unique style that I love!

www.janetteria.com sa...

Hi Silje - Oh, I agree tooooo. She has quirky and sweetie style, that J'adore!

Great post!

xoxo: Janet

anette sa...

Jeg så på alle sidene, enig i at Chloe hadde den kuleste siden. Stilen hennes er veldig kul fordi hun kjører sin helt egen greie!

Anonym sa...

oo lam, rag & bone, this girl really does have taste!

Kira Aderne sa...

she is so cool!

a kiss my friend!

Fashion Trend Guide sa...

Yes, I completely agree, too. Chloe is so fun to watch on Big Love. I admire her strong sense of style, she's great!

ediot sa...

takk for tipset- den dama er töff og stilig på samme gang.
ha en fin uke!

elysia mann sa...

i LOVE her, too!

i wrote a feature on weardrobe, check it out?


WendyB sa...

She has her own unique look -- I appreciate that.

Anonym sa...

not in the same way of others, she is gorgeous and "ahead on our way" is really my favorite quote

Couture Carrie sa...

I adore her style!!


Mimi sa...

I love her style, she is one of my faves!
