Utenfor vinduet er det snøstorm. Egentlig skulle jeg ha vært på en liten shoppingrunde idag, men det frister ikke i dette været. Jeg er så lei av vinteren og mørke farger! Nå vil jeg ha neglakk i lekre sommerfarger, som one of a kind eller lacqured up fra Essie. Skulle jeg ønske at det var såpass varmt at jeg kunne ha på meg outfiten til Nicole Richie, perfekt vårantrekk. Ønsker dere en fantastisk lørdag!
Its a snowstorm outside my window. I am so tired of snow and winter. I need some color in my life, and just a little will do more than fine. I love Essies new spring line, and cant wait to get my hands on some of their new colors like one of a kind or lacqured up. I also love Nicoles outfit, she always gets it right. I guess today will be relaxing inside and cathing up on my favorite shows, with a hot coffee and the newest magazine. Not bad for a saturday, not bad at all. Have a wonderful day, everybody!

18 kommentarer:
Ja,det var et kjempefint og enkelt antrekk ho hadde på seg.. deilig å slippe å gå med jakker og skjerf.
ja snøstormen ute lokker meg ikkje akkurat ut på shopping.. sitter heller inne med kakao og film:)
Håper du får ein kjempefin lørdag - planer, eller blri det roleg kveld?
Snow outside! You're a lucky girl! Fashion pictures are always so perfect with some snow...
Hi there-Its cold and dry here, so not too bad!! I'm just blogging and surfing the net today, maybe some more of that tomorrow too! Enjoy your weekend my dear!
I guess we're all a little bit tired of Winter and need color in our life. Have a nice and warm week-end. Time to relax.
Yes, she's always in right!
And, you should be in right and choose some orange colour, as she!
Takk:) det blei heime, og det blei pizza her og! skikkelig ruskevær her og, så eg holdt meg inne. kos deg med pizza og vin!! :)
i agree...the whole essie spring line is amazing (i wore 'all lacquered up' in my last two outfit posts).
I hate this time of year! I'm dying for color too.
I miss talking with you. Hope your weekend is fantabulous. Adore Nicoleee! =]
Hey Silje!
It looks so cold where you are right now, you look chic and divine as usual!
I love a hint of colour, thats why I always have my nails done.
I'm getting tired of witner too, it's always snowing too. I love just a pop of color, I always make sure I have that when I walk out the house.
I agree! Enrich colours our outfits in the cold weather!
Great post!
xoxo: Janet
beanie and sunglasses, great combination!
I love Nicole, so cool!
happy sunday!
Shopping i dårlig vær er virkelig ikke tingen! Aking og snømann derimot er ganske artig, forutsatt at man har klær som passer til været. Det er ganske vanskelig å være fashionable i boblebukse, allværsjakke og polvotter men det er faktisk veldig fornuftig antrekk når alt man skal gjøre er å sitte på en kjelke ned en bratt bakke og avslutte med svalestup i snøfonn :-)
i will take nicole richie birkin in any color... : )
Essie's spring line is gorgeous, love the vibrant colors!
and I agree Nicole always get's it right!
I'm starting to hate this snow here, too. :( I painted my nails with bright nailpolish today in an attempt to try cheer myself up. Hang in there!
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