søndag 4. januar 2009


Fantastiske farger og nydelig natur på søndagsturen.

My new Boots! Bought on sale at Walkabout in LilleGrensen.

Våget meg en liten tur ut i det iskalde været idag. Deilig med sol og flotte farger på den siste fridagen. Prøver å forbrede meg på jobb imorgen, det er alltid vanskelig å omstille seg etter en avslappende ferie. Men fikk iallefall gått igjennom papirarbeidet, ryddet klesskapet og all julepynten er tatt ned. Måtte også poste et bilde av de nye bootsene fra Walkabout, som har behagelige platåsåler. Disse skal jeg bruke til jeans & skjørt.
I braved the weather for a little walk this afternoon. At 14 Farenheit, it was freezing, but beautiful. The rest of the day was spent cleaning and organizing papers, my closet and the apartment. Its time for work tomorrow, and I still feel like I am on vacation time. Oh well, I guess its not only me that feels this way. And I had to show you my new boots, who were a great deal on fridays sale shopping spree.

9 kommentarer:

Fashion Tidbits sa...

cute booties


Lovely boots! It's also freezing in Paris and just like you I still feel a little bit on vacation...

Make Do Style sa...

I know the return to the every day! I'm bracing myself and it is freezing here but not as beautiful as Norway!

Sharon sa...

Hi there-yes, I'm back to work tomorrow too! Those boots are a fabulous bargain!!

www.janetteria.com sa...

Lovely boots, Silje! Great find!

xoxo: Janet

OhDearLeah sa...

cool blog, you have great style

Mimi sa...

Love 'em!! Great find, and style


Dotti sa...

Late, but better late than never: A happy new year, dear. Love, Dotti

Mira sa...

De var utrolig fine!