tirsdag 27. januar 2009

The New Jeans

Outfit: Cardigan: H&M, Boots: Acne, Beanie: H&M, Jeans: Koola Anna

Var i byen for å hente inn siste rest til stylingen for to moteserier for Kamille. Det var kaldt, så det ble mange lag med klær. Jeg digger de nye jeansene fra Koola Anna, som er fantastisk 80-talls i vasken. Skulle gjerne hatt på andre sko, så dere kunne sett de enda bedre, men det får bli neste gang. Nå skal jeg slappe av foran morgendagens fotoshoot.

I am wearing my new jeans, that I love. There is something so fabolously eighties in a good way, with the acid wash. I cant wait to wear these with a drummer jacket and some purple pumps or studded sandals. I am sorry to bore you with my usual Acne boots, but running around all day in the cold, picking up clothes for two editorials, I just had to be comfortable. Next time, I will wear another pair of shoes so you can see the jeans even better. Now I am off to relax before tomorrows photoshoot. And I am super excited to receive this from the ever so lovely Janetteria

And my nominees are:

Cocosteaparty, Couture Carrie, CupcakesandCashmere, Deep in Vogue, Fashiontrendguide, LadyMelbourne, PlainJayne, Mimi, Whatisrealityanyway, and Vintagelollipops. Rules: Post the award on your blog and pass the award forward to 10 other fabulous bloggers. Let them know that you nominated them for the award.

24 kommentarer:

glory sa...

you look grate ,love the acid wash jeans too, i´'m bleaching somo old pair, so i´, picking ideas... kissses

Renate sa...

Hotte boots!

Baybay Mama sa...

I love the boots!

Anonym sa...

beautiful jeans!!!

Kristine sa...

det jeg seer av jeansene, var utrolig fint da. den ser herlig ut :-)

Vera sa...

Thanks babe, for this honor! Big kiss

WendyB sa...

I love the jeans with those boots.

Angela sa...

you look very very cute. i love the grey cardigan. i got my chocolate brown medium YSL downtown in deer skin on sale for about $800. I am very happy with it.

Mimi sa...

With this unbelievably crazy weather here your outfit would be perfect. The wrap sweater is great, and love your jeans!

Thanks so much for the award! So sweet of you, your a doll :]


Tricia sa...

great jeans, now i may have to bleach out an old pair.

Anonym sa...

you look amazing--the jeans look fabulous especially with the boots! Love it :-)

Anonym sa...

Those boots look comfy and fun. Who doesn't love acid wash jeans? Can't wait to see the bottom half of them haha

Eri sa...

I love your boots! They are just fantastic!

What is Reality Anyway? sa...

you are so beautiful. thank you so much! x

anette sa...

Du ser helt fantastisk ut!

Sharon sa...

Hi there-the jeans are gorgeous on you, I tried on acid wash jeans and they didn't look good, so I'm going for an acid wash skirt when I find it!

the healthy ghost sa...

Love your outfit,those jeans are cool but not extremely 80s that´s why I love them.

Ella Gregory sa...

Thank you for the tag. Your blog is one of my favourites so it means a lot from you.

Also I adore the jeans.

Vintage Lollipops sa...

Ahhhh, you look so fantasic in those jeans, gorgeous-gorgeous look!

You always impress me! xxx

And you're a doll.... thank you for this award.
It's such an honor!!


Fashion Trend Guide sa...

Silje, you look gorgeous. Thanks you for the award!

Fashion Tidbits sa...

i was wondering what you thought about Acne jeans? do you have a pair? are they comfortable?

Unknown sa...

absolutely amazing style!!!

love it so much,
keep watchin your blog :)

take care :***

X sa...

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Vicen hilsener.

Hippie, hippie - milkshake sa...

hvem selger koola anna-jeansene? liker dem:)