lørdag 28. februar 2009

Madonna Concert

Bilde 539
Etter endeløs venting og nettproblematikk, kom endelig disse i posten igår. Jeg gleder meg helt sinnsykt til å se 80-talls ikonet mitt live i juli. Jeg er ganske sikker på at det som vanlig blir musikk og mote på høyt nivå. Madonna er kjent for sine spektakulære sceneantrekk og det blir spennende å se hva hun har funnet på denne gangen. Gleder meg iallefall helt vilt!

After internet trouble and endless waiting on the phone, these babies finally landed in the mail today. I cant wait for July to see one of my favorite 80s icons on stage. I loved her fashion back then, lace gloves, tulle skirts, lots of jewelry and those famous cross rosebeads. Now its more like, what is she wearing on stage this time? One thing is for sure, this should be great, great fun!

17 kommentarer:

www.janetteria.com sa...

Finally she visits on Hungary. I will be there. Yummi!

Have a great weekend, darling: Janet

Anonym sa...

I'm going too!!! I'm super happy I'll see her here in Oslo!

Mette sa...

Åh heldige du :)

Sharon sa...

Hi there-you're sure to have a fabulous time!!

Anonym sa...

nice score!

WendyB sa...

I've seen her a million times -- she's so great. Have an awesome time!

Anonym sa...

sooo jealous!!! How exciting--don't forget to let us know what you think :-)

Mimi sa...

Aww how amazing! It'll be a great show, she is a fantastic entertainer!!!


Anonym sa...

Have fun! I'm so jealous you'll be seeing paul oakenfold :)

Anonym sa...

have fun!!!!

Sophie Solveig sa...

i got tickets for my birthday, so i'm going too!!

Trendy Gourmandise sa...

nice !!!!!

Hippie, hippie - milkshake sa...

yes. yes. yes. see u there.. Hillevi og jeg skal også

Make Do Style sa...

Ah you'll have a great time!

Jen (MahaloFashion) sa...

Post some pictures and tell us how good madge's hip thrusts are!

Dotti sa...

Cool, cool, cool, cool, cool!

Fashion Trend Guide sa...

Wow, that's going to be so much fun! I can't wait to see photos!