torsdag 9. oktober 2008

Featured on Always in Style

Jeg er så heldig å bli omtalt på Always in Style Streat beat. At jeg ble plukket ut, synes jeg er helt fantastisk. Det gir meg energi og inspirasjon! Dette er noe av det jeg synes er det beste med bloggermiljøet, når du får tilbakemeldinger fra stilen din helt fra New York.
I am so honored to be featured on Always in Style! That my style in Oslo can cut it with women in New York, is to me beyond fabolous. This made my day!

15 kommentarer:

Dotti sa...

Such a cute outfit, Silje. And: congrats!

Sharon sa...

Hi there-Just checked you out over there-looking stylishly fabulous my dear!!

Hippie, hippie - milkshake sa...

så hyggelig! grattis....

S (formerly of Modern-Guilt) sa...

You SO deserve this, you're by far one of the most stylish women I've ever seen! Much love and congrats :)

Vikkebekke sa...

Virker som om du seiler i medvind for tiden. Og det er vel vanskelig å si noe negativt om klesstilen. Jeg sliter med å holde flere baller i luften, men prøver å kle meg så jeg ikke fryser i hvertfall. Godt noen vet å ha stil :)

Siru sa...

Place where you live doesen't make your dressing better, it's the mind and heart that matters the most.

juliet xxx

Dana (MODAna) sa...


Make Do Style sa...

Brilliant - good choice by Always Style!

Elizabeth sa...

I saw you over there yesterday, and it was a really nice feature.

Anonym sa...

Å så gøy:) Det fortjener du!!

Jagucha sa...

cool autumn is around! oh i like this time of year it loves fashion!

Songy sa...

Style icon indeed. there's no doubt!!!

Tinsley sa...

this outfit is beautiful - you accesorize so well!

Couture Carrie sa...

Congrats, darling! I can't think of a better international style icon than you, Silje!


What is Reality Anyway? sa...

proud of you gorgeous!
