Jacket: Tonica Vintage
Jeans: Vero Moda
Scarf: Bik Bok
Shoes: H&M
Photo: Kathrine Stenvaag
Med min faste frisør ute av byen, måtte jeg prøve en ny. Veldig fornøyd med fargen, men synes det ble litt kort. Jeg gruer meg alltid til frisøren fordi lengden blir alltid kuttet mye mer enn jeg vil. Liker dere å gå til frisøren eller gruer dere dere?
My regular hairdresser is out of town, so I decided to go with a friends recommendation. It turned out ok, but much shorter than I anticipated. The color is very nice, though. I always dread the hairdresser, because by the time I grow my hair out, it has to be cut. Whats your take, do you enjoy it or dread it?
30 kommentarer:
Looking pretty darn fabulous.
Love the colour and the cut.
I dread too. I never like how things turn out but everybody else says it's okay.. you know how it is...
Du ser ljuvlig ut Silje! Färgen är mer klar :)
I have a terrible time with hairdressers - I had the perfect one then we moved. The only good thing about hair is it grows!
I prefer your other haridresser. I think your cut and colour this time sort of doesn't look quite like you - how can tell this from a photo?
doesn't look short sweetie, it looks amazing!
Jeg syns du var veldig fin. Jeg syns både lengden og fargen var helt perfekt! Men skjønner poenget ditt, det er ikke noe morro å komme fra frisøren med for kort hår selv om alle andre syns du er kjempefin. Jeg har samme problem selv, derfor går jeg alt for sjelden til frisøren og resultatet er da at når jeg først drar avgårde klipper de bare enda mer pga slitte tupper. Men det vokser ut igjen, om et par uker har du i tillegg blitt komfortabel med den nye lengden.
Hi there-you look gorgeous Silje, I think the cut and colour frame your face beautifully-to me it doesn't seem especially short, but of course only you know this. I love your outfit too, especially the vintage jacket, very nice indeed!
synes du ble fin! langt hår må jo klippes, og det ble fresht. men har selv litt frisørangst... engang ble håret evd en misforståelse skåret og klippet opp i hunder ulike lengder.. det var krise det..
It looks good!
I love getting my hair cut. I've been going to the same guy for about 15 years.
Syns også håret mitt blir klippet "litt" for kort hver gang jeg er hos frisøren. Liker best håret mitt 14 dager etter frisør besøket da er det perfekt. Ps. håret og fargen din er veldig fin...
you look good and love the denim
It's beautiful!
I dread the hairdresser. I love it when it's over, but before, and during? Yech.
Syns du var finere med litt kortere hår. Ansiktet ditt kommer bedre fram og du ser "freshere" ut. Det er alltid vanskelig å forandre på noe man er fornøyd med, men husk : Vi går oss blind i eget hus.
hei synes du ble fin jeg! =)
synes det er digg å gå til frisøren jeg... slappe av å få massasje når de vasker håret å! ;)
meen ja er ikke alltid man blir like fornøyd:P
It looks fabulous!
I used to dread it, but now I thouroughly enjoy it, for I've found the perfect hairdresser.
Tina {Your Everyday Style}
That is sooo pretty !!
It looks very great on you!
your hair is looking AMAZING! They did a great job with the colour, and your outfit is of course wonderful :)
your hair looks great!
am loving the gray blazer with the scarf.
I love getting my hair cut but mainly because I have such thick hair that when I get it cut, it's mainly to thin it out and it feels so good to have lighter hair!
Oooohh a new "Fall's haircut" AND a stainless presence, beyond the natural succession of seasons !!!
ps: Thanks infinitely for your comment about my article !!!
A Bientôt, Antoine
Both the cut and the color are really good!
I always am rather untrusting when it comes to the haidressers I don't know. I prefer my own trusty hairdresser, but the girl works in the city I used to live and visiting her means a three hours travelling by train and then some time to get to the suburbs. But I go to her whenever I can:-)
Hey Silje! It's been so long, sorry I haven't commented in a while but I've been travelling.
You look gorgeous as ever, you do winter layering to perfection.
I'm addicted to going to the hairdresser, but my hair hasn't been long in years! i really like the cut, it looks great.
jeg må også en tur til frisøren snart, alltid litt spennende det;) Du ble kjempefin da Silje:)
Great pics, but some people have to much time ... ^^
Your hair looks fab, as your clothes too :)
I love your boots!!!
This is my first time on this blog and may I say...You look so pretty!!
it looks very nice!
Love your boots and scarf.
xo/ fashion chalet
your look very beautiful!!!
syns det er så vanskelig å finne bra frisører i oslo. noen tips kanskje?
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