onsdag 1. oktober 2008

Behind the Scenes

Henriette in Purple, me in grey on the red chouch.

For en stund siden var jeg på OsloTV og pratet høstmote med Henriette Brusgaard. Espen, en god venn av meg tok disse bildene. Morsomt med behind the scenes bilder. Tusen takk Espen!

Do you remember a while back when I was on OsloTV talking fashion? My good friend Espen took these, and I thought they were so fun I wanted to share them with you all. Thank you for all your support and lovely feedback!

9 kommentarer:

Sharon sa...

Hi there-yes, I enjoyed watching this, you came over very professional and stylish!!

Tuppene sa...

Så morsomt med sånne bilder! Jeg så programmet ja- du var veldig flink som sagt tildligere.

Songy sa...

It's always fun seeing what happens outside and behind cameras....thank you for sharing these. :)

Cupcakes and Cashmere sa...

how cool! i love seeing behind-the-scenes shots of stuff like this. you look cool, calm and collected as usual!

S (formerly of Modern-Guilt) sa...

so cool! You are a vision on that red couch :)

Elizabeth sa...

I'm fascinated by tv and interviews and such, so it's a treat for me to see photos like this. Thanks for posting them.

Economy of Style sa...

How cool! You look great.

Salatbolla sa...

thihi morsomt! =)

Anonym sa...

bare hyggelig :)
det var det bildet med den grå genseren jeg mente smashings:)
by the way,vi må ta en kaffe soon,må få skrevet ned en del butikker jeg må innom når jeg stkker til new york og LA this x-mas.
ha en toppers dag stylish girl.-ESPEN-