fredag 3. oktober 2008

Interview with Monica Cruz

I had the pleasure of meeting Penèlope Cruz
sister, Monica Cruz yesterday. Dont they
look very alike?
I found her 50s style to be very inspiring.
The hair, the makeup and the dress, reminded
me of Film Noir and Sophia Loren. (The white
bag is the goody bag, but of course I regretted
taking it after I saw this).

Cape: H&M (from the breakfast shopping)
Jeans: Acne
Bag: Gucci
Igår var det åpning på Mangos nye butikk på Karl Johan. Søsteren til Penèlope Cruz, Monica Cruz var flydd inn for å kaste glans over åpningen og snakke om deres tredje kolleksjon for den spanske kjeden. Jeg var heldig nok til å få intervju henne, men hun snakket kun spansk, så vi snakket via en tolk. Det var uansett moro og hun var utrolig hyggelig og litt morsom. Hun hadde utstråling og en kul 50-tallsstil. Det var flere kjendiser som hadde tatt veien. Mira Craig, Elin Sogn og Aylar kastet også glans over eventet. Les mer om intervjuet i Du Denne Uken, neste fredag!

Last night, the chain Mango opened a new store in Oslo. In lieu of their limited edition collection designed by the famous Cruz sisters, Monica Cruz was flown in to make an apperance. I was lucky enough to interview her and meet a lot of cool people, so I had a really nice time. Cruz was very down to earth and nice, as she spoke of their inspiration behind the collection. Her 50s style is very inspirational.
S: What are you, as sisters inspired by?
M: I get inspired by watching old movies, especially black & white 50s movies. I love to travel and go see movies in the theatre. When me and my sister (Penèlope) grew up, we used to play around in our moms closet, alwasy dressing up.
S: Describe you and your sister style, do they differ?
M: Yes, very much. I dress more like a 50s movie star and Penèlope is much more classical in her style. I like formfitting dresses and skirts, she is more into jeans and have a very relaxed style when she is not on the red carpet. Even though we are close, we have very different personalities and we dress they we way we are and feel.

S: Is there someone you look up to regarding fashion?
M: My idol is Sofia Loren (no suprise!)and I strive for her sense of style.

S: Every celebrity is designing these days. Are you not afraid that people are tired of designer collections?
M: No, I feel that our collection is different and that we know what we are doing. And it appeals to a lot of women with curves.

S: Do you sometimes feel that you are in the shadow of your sister?
M: No, I am more known in Spain, than in Europe and US, and I am working on several movies. I have a wonderful relationship with my sister and brother.

S: Whats your favorite piece in the collection?
M: I love the dress I am wearing and I also love some of the classics, so the trenchcoat is a wonderful piece. It reminds me of 50-60s glamour.

My favorite: The LBD Monica was wearing and the faux fur bolero.

18 kommentarer:

Sharon sa...

Hi there-what a fabulous opportunity!! You both look stunning and gorgeous and a really professional, interesting interview!! Very well done to you-love your cape, its gorgeous!!

WendyB sa...

Nice interview. I agree with Sharon, you both look beautiful.

Vertiginoso sa...

I really like the question about her sister's biggest fame , and she really seems to answer with nature and sincerity . . .
Monica, Monica, Monicaaaaaa, "refreshing/spicy BOMBshell from Espanaaaaaaa" !!!!!

A Bientôt, Antoine

Kira Aderne sa...

it is amazing, she is really talented and have a great style...i would like to have Mango here too! hehe

a kiss!!!

Elissa sa...

OMG - I love it!

Dana (MODAna) sa...

I love MANGO and I love what their collection consists of
such flattering pieces
I think the sisters are gorgeous, too

Pinton sa...

så artig silje! herre, var du nervøs eller? hadde jeg vært!:) Jeg er stor fan av mango.. men har faktisk ike vært der på en stund nå..
Har ikke en ledig stilling til meg vel?:p

Elizabeth sa...

I'm going to have to look at this collection, it sounds really great.

Elizabeth sa...

I'm sorry, S! I forgot to say "Congratulations" on interviewing Ms. Cruz. It must have been a great experience for you. Well done.

Mimi sa...

WOW you look stunning!
She looks a lot like her sister - around here I only know her because of her Mango campaign with Penelope.

I'm very happy for your success <3

Songy sa...

Cool interview, Silje. The skinny jeans and that jacket look is great on you. Actually you look better than ms. Cruz.

hanna sa...

bra intervju, og så utrolig heldig du er sm fikk møte henne :)

S (formerly of Modern-Guilt) sa...

Amazing opportunity, you looked stunning Silje and you did a FANTASTIC job!

Trine sa...

hey, how tall are you?

Siljesfashion sa...

Thank you so much for all those lovely comments!

Pinton: Skal si ifra om det blir noe ledig, ja!

Songy: You are to sweet!! I felt huge next to her.

Hanna: Takk!

Trine: 5`8 or 173, How come?

Make Do Style sa...

How fab! I loved their collection last year and I agre the bolero is fantastic.


I think she is so gorgeous. I love those two. Impeccable style and poise. What a fun day for you, Silje! You look fantastic in that capelet as well.

Thanks for your comment on my Collage, dear! ♥

xo/ fashion chalet

Always In Style sa...

Awesome - you both look red carpet perfect!