torsdag 9. oktober 2008

Last Night

Var jeg på Grønland for H&M presentasjon av kolleksjonen til Comme Des Garcons for kjeden. Jeg kan røpe at plaggene er svært unike og spennende. Designer Rei Kawakubo står bak både både herre og damekolleksjonen, accessoarer og en unisex duft. Svarte og dype blåtoner, spesielle snitt og polkadottmønster preger kolleksjonen. Personlig synes jeg flere av jakkene var fine, samt en herreblazer i flott snitt og kvalitet. Jeg klarte desverre å glemme kameraet mitt hjemme i en annen jakke, så det ble ingen bilder denne gangen. Men jeg lover dere bilder fra butikken 13 november, når de legger ut kolleksjonen for salg. Kun 200 butikker i hele verden får denne kolleksjonen, så det gjelder å komme først til mølla. Hva er dine tanker? Kommer du til å være først i kø når de slipper kolleksjonen?

Last night I went to the presentation by H&M of the Comme Des Garcon in Oslo. It was exciting to see a preview of the collection designer Rei Kawakubo had designed for the chain. In some extent you can see her signature translated into more mainstream fashion which can be available to a lot more people. I liked the black and blue colors, the polkadots and some of the tailroing of the pieces. To me her pieces are fascinating and artsy, but few are really my style, obviously. However, I do think the collection will strike with the fashion forward. I am truly sorry, but I forgot my camera in another jacket, it was pouring rain and I was really in a bad mood when I got home. I am still upset that I forgot the camera, but that happens I suppose. What I wanna know is this. Its usually a big deal here in Norway about these collections. Last year I managed to get my hands on a Cavalli dress, just as I was doing a TV-piece on the madness. Yes, people get up early, stand in line and fight over it! One woman offered me 600 dollars for the dress that cost 150. So, my question is this: Will you fight to get your hands on one of these pieces? Do tell!

10 kommentarer:

Sharon sa...

Hi there-I love Commes des Garcon, but to be honest, I'd rather hunt a vintage piece from Ebay, rather than get a H&M piece-but only because I prefer vintage. The H&M collection does look really good though!!

Pinton sa...

jeg kan ikke dra før kl 16.00.. så jeg får vel nøye meg med restene:p kjipt egentlig.. men jeg tviler på at det slår victor og rolfs kolleksjon den var bare nydelig!

idiki sa...


Mira sa...

Var du der også? Så morsomt :) Likte ikke parfymen, jeg :S

Always In Style sa...

Silje - come take a look -- you are featured as our first international style icon! :)

Tuppene sa...

Må vel innom HM og se på formiddagen, men vi får se om det faller i smak hos meg (og ikke minst i lommeboken)!

Marte sa...


Elizabeth sa...

I would never fight to get a piece of clothing, but I'm not a very dedicated fan.

I'm sorry to hear you left your camera, that's a drag. Thanks for posting about the opening anyway!


How lucky you are. I'm really curious about this collection. It's the same craziness here in Paris when those designers collections arrive but I certainly wouldn't fight for one piece!

Songy sa...

oh it depends I supposed. I never tried that myself, though.

Hope you got recovered from the incident. it happens and the most important thing is that you were there! yeepee.