søndag 19. oktober 2008


Photo: Victoriassecret
Det jeg liker med denne nettsiden er de utrolige tilbudene pa kasmirgensere og cardigans. Ikke bare har de bra kvalitet, de er billige og utvalget er meget bra. Du kan bestille nesten hvilken farge du vil, og de shipper hit. Husk bare at du ma betale toll og moms(ca 33 prosent) pa varer over 200 kroner. Men med kasmir til denne prisen er det verdt det! Jeg bestilte ogsa nagleboots herfra, men de var ikke hva jeg troddde, sa de gikk rett i retur. Sjekk ut siden deres ofte, siden de har masse gode tilbud og sikkert har noe som passer for deg. Jeg bestilte blant annet denne kasmir genserkjolen i lilla, svarte og brune cardigans. Jeg bruker XS eller S, og bestilte S fra VS og det passet meg perfekt.

I love Victoriassecret. Not only do they have really affordable pieces in every color, they have great prices on cashmere cardigans and sweaters. Which by the way is really expensive in Norway. You might remember that I ordered the studded boots? Well, let me tell you they were horrible. Not comfortable at all. So, I ended up returning them, and getting some more cashmere instead. The neat thing is that this site has offers and giveaways with orders all the time, not to mention the great sales! I am so addicted, so I will recommend it to anyone who likes affordable fashion.

17 kommentarer:

Elizabeth sa...

I'm sorry to hear that the boots didn't work out. Will you search for more?

Siljesfashion sa...

enc: Yes, I love the studs, so I am on the hunt! I know BCBG has some as well as Gucci(to expensive for trend items)and some random brands. So my hope is to get some inexpensive ones!

Sharon sa...

Hi Silje-good luck on the boot hunt!! Still, more cashmere is a great idea anyway!

Anonym sa...

Du mener vel 33 % Silje-ikke 0,33%.

Ellie Lee sa...

VS has got such amazing shoes and the pjs are just too lovely for us to just sleep in them!

Songy sa...

sorry to hear about the shoes. I guess is a gamble we take buying footwear online without trying.

I love VC but I never try to buy them knowing that exact problem.. I'm hanging out to visit the USA and try some out. When I know my size then I'd be more safe.. ordering online..

Vertiginoso sa...

To be honest "Vs" evoke specially for me their "mythical Fashion Shows" ("Show-Off BOMBshell-ity" !!!) But it is very good that they also propose a lot of casual clothes ("day to day SEXYness"). . .

A Bientôt, Antoine

Anonym sa...

Hvordan har du kommet frem til riktig størrelse hos VS? Hvis du sammenligner med HM sine størrelser, er en small hos VS lik 36 (small) hos HM?

Make Do Style sa...

Great item - Uniqlo also do great affordable sweater dresses!

The Style Of Vintage sa...

Veldig fine de genserene der!

Siljesfashion sa...

Thanks Sharon!

Ja, 33 prosent. Har rettet det opp.

Ja, jeg vil si small er ganske lik 36 hos H&M, men du burde sjekke ut malene deres pa nettsiden.

Anonym sa...

I will definitly check out their cashmere sweater dresses. I live in those during winter, it is the perfect way to stay both warm, comfortable and stylish!

Tuppene sa...

Kjempegodt tips! Har bestilt derfra en gang før, og da ble jeg fint overrasket over tollen! Men jeg har enda endel av det jeg bestilte, så jeg syns absolutt kvaliteten er bra.

Andrea Martínez Maugard sa...

We don't have that store here but when my aunt goes to Miami, she always bring me a lot of gifts like VS fragances

S (formerly of Modern-Guilt) sa...

Mmmm cashmere. This post of yours has totally given me a craving to go out and buy more :)

Tricia sa...

so you're happy with their cashmere? I must try!

What is Reality Anyway? sa...

totally agreed!
