onsdag 15. oktober 2008

Ripped Jeans

Elsker denne looken til Kate Beckinsale. Laidback, cool og stylish. Disse jeansene fra Current Elliot er de mest ettertraktede buksene blant kjendisene i Hollywood. Tror jeg enten maa skaffe meg disse eller lage noen av gamle jeans selv. Secret Society i Oslo har merket, men jeg bestiller de nok pa ebay, hvis jeg bestemmer meg for de.

I am dying for some ripped jeans. I am liking the look of Kate Beckinsale in Current Elliot. I am either getting myself something similar or making it myself of some old jeans. Whats your take on this trend, love it or hate it? I know its not for everybody, but I think its a cool and relaxed look.

20 kommentarer:

Elizabeth sa...

It's cool and relaxed on the right girl. It will look fabulous on you!

Dana (MODAna) sa...

she's so hot, and not that young so it's extra special

WendyB sa...

Kate looks great. I'm sure you will too!

Anonym sa...

Probably a tad too relaxed for me!;) Har personlig mer sansen for slengen som kom tilbake, i bukser uten hull.

Sharon sa...

Hi there-go for it, you most probably could do a great diy job yourself!!

Songy sa...

Cool look for some stylish people like YOU. I guess it depends how it's put together. I wouldn't feel comfortable wearing them just yet. I'm a little to introvert but then I'm changing a little too so maybe given time... I might..

Cupcakes and Cashmere sa...

i would suggest taking a pair of old jeans of your own and cutting them and using a cheese grater of all things to add some frayed pieces. it really works!

Anonym sa...

har lyst på de jeansene selv.....drit kul.

Make Do Style sa...

I've always loved a bit of rippage on jeans, has to be worn through not made up and then it works really well.

Siru sa...

I think it looks so cool. But it's way too cold for that now, I don't want to look punk and wear anything underneath that. I hope it would stay as a trend until the summer, but it's so long away that.....

juliet xxx


I'm sure it will look great on you but you should try to make it yourself with an old jeans, just to see if you feel good with them.

Tuppene sa...

Jeg liker det PÅ HENNE, men tror ikke jeg hadde sett like smashing ut i det akkurat! Gleder meg til å se bilde av dine hjemmelagde opprevne jeans:D

Ane-Mathilde sa...

Digger slike bukser, hadde slike før men ... :/

Du må legge ut bilde av buksene dine når du har ordnet det :)

Jasnaaa sa...


What is Reality Anyway? sa...


Annie Spandex sa...

They're very cool.. timelessly cool.

Tricia sa...

really really really love kate's jeans, are they stiched up a little on the right leg? cool! you could totally do this.

S (formerly of Modern-Guilt) sa...

Will look fabulous on you indeed! I want a pair of Current/Elliots SO bad.

Angela sa...

very casual. maybe i can try it on my old jeans... : )

NewlyInspired sa...

LOVE ripped jeans look. Very circa 2001-02!