søndag 28. september 2008

Norwegian Fall

There is nothing like the fresh smell of fall.

The color combinations are like a piece of art.

Trying to catch it all.

The scenery is breathtaking and like a fairytale.

Vest: Vero Moda
Beanie: H&M
Jacket: Gina Tricot
Boots: Zara
Handbag: Vintage Chanel
Scarf: H&M
De flotte høstfargene er i full blomst i Oslo. Fantastiske farger, lys og natur gir flotte bilder. Disse bildene ble tatt på en tur igår, med kaffepause på Åpent Bakeri. Håper dere nyter solen og fargene i det fine søndagsværet.

These pictures was captured on a walk through the old woods yesterday. Fall has arrived, and the colors are amazing and beautiful. We picked up a coffee, and the latest gossip, before heading back. I am in love with my new grey beanie, and need to pick up a black one as well.

35 kommentarer:

Sharon sa...

Hi dear Silje-what a wonderful outfit for woodlands walking!! I nearly got the H&M scarf that you have, but I thought I should wear the new ones first, haha!! Looking gorgeous and cosy as always! have a great Sunday!

Songy sa...

Hi Silje
These autumn shots are absolutely gorgeous.Those boots!

You know I always admire how well you wear your scarves.

Muah :)

Dana (MODAna) sa...

you've got me itching to break out my fur vest but it's not cold enough yet


These are wonderful photos! Your outfit looks so lovely, Silje.


Elizabeth sa...

Oh, how I love and miss fall. These photos make me feel so nostalgic. You are the perfect human addition to this landscape.

Vertiginoso sa...

YES, Fall really exudes a singular mood, like a melancholic twilight . . . And you seem ready to cross it in a "casual-GLAMourous" way !!!

A Bientôt, Antoine

Anonym sa...

I love your layering and the awesome boots!

Style Spot sa...

Tusen takk for kommentaren din, kjære deg. Elsker antrekket dit, så supert for høsten! Og det skjerfet har jeg også, elsker det til tusen.

Håper helgen din har vært perfekt :)

Anonym sa...

oh i'm jealous you finally have fall, love your boots too!

MDS* sa...

You look gorgeous and the pictures are beautiful!

Make Do Style sa...

gorgeous photos!

Shes Dressing Up sa...

Beautiful photos, this is my favourite season. I love your knee high boots!

ediot sa...

kjempefint antrekk. og fine höstbilder. det skjerfet var veldig fint! har du hatt en fin helg?

Marte sa...

Flott høstantrekk :)

Andrea Martínez Maugard sa...

You have the cutest fall outfits ever. Really!

Angela sa...

super cute. love your entire outfit and how you layer long and short pieces together.

Mira sa...

Så utrolig fin du var med den luen og utrolig fint høstantrekk :)

Tricia sa...

gorgeous, the scenery and your outfit! I love the scarf and the beanie. fall is easy my favorite season.

WendyB sa...

Cute hat!

Always In Style sa...

What a wonderful outfit, as usual!

I would love to feature this look in our upcoming Street Beat, thanks for letting me know of your interest :)

Would you like me to link to your blog?

Let me know! Cheers.

Dakota77 sa...

Beuatoful Pictures, Silje! I love Autumn like that, especially when it's sunny. Unfortunately here in Poland it is very cloudy now. But the Saturday was so nice and warm, I could leave home without the jacket:-)

Ella Gregory sa...

I love when there are golden leaves on the ground. I adore your Chanel!

Luna sa...


Couture Carrie sa...

I think this is my favorite look of yours yet, Silje! Simply gorgeous . . . love the layering and your exquisite accessories!


Elissa sa...

These are great shots, the fall leaves are so pretty. And of course you're always dressed to impress! Love it!

Anonym sa...

Love the outfit, and the boots are adorable! I wish we had a zara here :(

Lil Midget sa...

So chic!
Jag älskar hatten :) Och Norway ser ljuvlig ut på höst! Särskilt den fallna löven.

Puss puss!

S (formerly of Modern-Guilt) sa...

Oh my, autumn in Norway looks like the most beautiful thing ever! As do you, this entire outfit is AMAZING. Super gorgeous Silje!

Rebecca, A Clothes Horse sa...

Great outfit--the layers look fantastic.

Hilde N sa...

Superfine bilder!!!!!

A. sa...

You are so cute! Your stlye is so thrown-together and chic.

AlicePleasance sa...

The beanie is lovely indeed!!!

Anonym sa...

Så perfekt!

PS: Jeg fikk min første (veldig autentiske) Chanel veske i dag:):)

Daniela Valdez sa...

I love your style!!

escritora sa...

you look great :) I love your boots