søndag 27. april 2008

Coffee and Cake

Jacket: Vintage from theCandyShop
Cardigan: Bik Bok
Jeans: Citizen of Humanity
Earrings: Cecilie Melli shop(Norwegian designer)
Handbag: H&M (very old)
Shoes: Rizzo
Homemade Chocolate cake: Unbelivable
Fikk endelig den vintageskinnjakken jeg bestilte meg på ebay for en tid tilbake og er superfornøyd. Liker fargen, de korte ermene og belte i livet. Perfekt søndag med kaffe og verdens beste hjemmelagde kake på cafe.
So I finally got the vintage leather jacket I ordered a while back, and it turned out to be even better than I aniticipated. Love the tie belt, the colour and the short sleeves. The weather was horrible compared to the last few days, but thats Norway for you, lightning switch in temperatures. Went for a walk and ended up eating the best chocolate cake and a coffee. Perfekt . How was your sunday? Playing in my head: Come Fly Away, from the man himself, Frank Sinatra.

24 kommentarer:

Anne sa...

Det ser ud til at være nogen fantastiske sko, selvom man ikke ser så meget af dem :)

Monique sa...

That cake looks delicious, but the jacket looks better! I really like the color.

wine-fueled narcissism sa...

For en nydelig jakke! Fargen er helt perfekt. :)

Anonym sa...

Love, love, love the jacket! And seeing that pic of the cake is making me seriously hungry.

Dotti sa...

Reminds of ABBA somehow... :) And: Nice how coffee, cake and jacket match.

Rebecca, A Clothes Horse sa...

That jacket is dark magic. I love the shape and shorter sleeves as well.

Kira Aderne sa...

so amazing look and food!
i love cakes and homemade are really the best!!!


have a good day,

Kira Aderne sa...

hi again!

you are in my links of the day!

have a nice time,


Marte sa...

Liker stilen din silje! nok en fin outfit fra deg;)

Anonym sa...

that jacket is fantastic, and I'm majorly jealous of the cake and coffee, though I did have a latte today it was only accompanied by mediocre antipasta haha.

i like your quirks- hey checking the door and water heater 4000 times, is better than locking your key inside. also i will admit, I just started watching SATC (i know how horrible, why not earlier) but at least I'm catching up, slowly, but getting there :)

Anonym sa...

Hi! Thanks for adding my link to your blog! I just added yours!

WendyB sa...

Beautiful jacket!

Anonym sa...

Oooh great pants and an amazing jacket!

Sharon sa...

Love your jacket! My weekend was spent at the charity shops and boot sales-plus soaking up the sun on Saturday afternoon-bliss!

Siljesfashion sa...

Anne: Ja, de er superfine, skal ta nærbilde av de neste gang.

Monique, Stine,lj,theclotheshorse: Thanks, I love the jacket and the cake.

dotti: Haha, thats funny!

Kira: Thanks! And I agree, homemade is best.

marte: Tusen takk, så hyggelig:-

Jayne:Haha, true. Yay, another SATC follower!

Fashionaddict, wendy b and nadine: Thanks!!

Sharon Rose: Thanks, sounds like a lovely weekend!


So cute! I love this! :) I linked your site on my Blog. :) Thanks for linking and visiting mine too. :)

ediot sa...

jo jeg har bodd i norge- rundt om kring i telemark.. kommer fra norge- har dog bodd i sverige i 4 år nå...

hanna sa...

kul jakke :) likte skoa godt også, og kaka så dødsgod ut!

Mira sa...

Du er så pen du! Fin jakke!

Kira Aderne sa...


a kiss and a hug for you!
have a nice day!!!


Ella Gregory sa...

I love the way you have done your hair
very relaxed and sienna miller-ish!

Molly :] sa...

What a fantastic jacket! Im looking for one similar here in england. And that cake looks scrumptious.
Would you like to exchange links? :) xx

Anonym sa...

i lovee this!
you look fabulous :)

Elizabeth sa...

Just beautiful, that jacket is perfect for you!