fredag 25. april 2008

Pink Wild Wild West

Foto: Kathrine Stenvaag
Blazer: H&M
Blouse: Bik Bok
Jeans shorts: Old Levis cut offs
Shoes: Jessica Simpson
Skarf: H&M
Har lett etter en billig veske med frynser i evigheter, men nå gav jeg opp. Har hatt mine øyne på denne fra Zara en stund, men synes den var for dyr (ca 1100, det er skinn,). Etter mye rasjonalisering tror jeg at jeg har bestemt meg for å beholde den. Hva synes dere?
After looking for a cheap handbag with fringes for a while, I gave in and bought the only one I liked for about 200 dollars (leather) from the Spanish chain Zara. I am still deciding wether or not to keep it and would love your input. What do you fashiongirls think?

21 kommentarer:

Marte sa...

Kult antrekk Silje:)

Jen Kalban sa...

i love this outfit and the bag is great!

J.M. Powell sa...

i love this look, head to toe, and agree w/ hats and clogs, the bag is sooooo amazing
p.s. want to link up?

Rebecca, A Clothes Horse sa...

Great look. The blazer totally rocks with those jean shorts.

Anonym sa...

Hey! Thanks for stopping by my blog and commenting! I love your outfits that you wear, you look so chic! Anyway, I think you should keep the bag!!! I was wondering, would you like to link up with me?

Anonym sa...

suchhha cute outfit :)

Sharon sa...

Yes-its yummy! Do keep it-it will be forever stylish

Vertiginoso sa...

I really like the denim cut-off shorts !!! Sexy casualness, especially with these Classy open-toes and this sulfurous, refined Red nail polish : Or a subtle, day-to-day Fetishism !!!
"Urban Feline" Style . . .

A Bientot, Antoine

Siljesfashion sa...

Thanks so much ladies, you rock! Hope you are all having a wonderful weekend.

Marte: Tusen takk!

Juliam and Fashion addict: That would be great!

Mónica sa...

Great outfit. If I were you a would carry that bag back. Basically because for $200 you can find something better. Zara quality is soo poor at the moment. I've bought a pair of "leather" boots two months ago and they are totally broken, I carried them back to the shop, (one month ago) and they didn't phone me to tell me if they had repaired them or not, I went there to ask for my boots, but they know nothing, it's so frustrating. Zara clothes are too expensive now because the quality is soo poor! maybe you must check in urbanoutfitters, they have a cool range of fringe bags.

ediot sa...

fantastisk söt jente og superfint antrekk!

Anonym sa...

Elsker dette! Perfection ut fingerspissene..

Siljesfashion sa...

Atelier: I know what you mean. Their customerservice is horrible, and they have such weird policies. Sometimes they are lovely sometimes they are crazy, like they are on drugs or something.. I have looked everywhere, and the only other bag I found was a cool one from Lucky at ebay for 200. Checked Urban as well, but no luck. Keep me posted if you spot something! Thanks.

ediot og aime: Takk takk!


The shorts look amazing on you! I love it! ♥

Elizabeth sa...

I vote keep it! It's great!

geri hirsch sa...

i love love love this outfit. your bag is fab!!

Sharon sa...

Hi Siljes-I've just finished my post on Pashminas and have just seen you modelling yours! Looking good-another Gemini quirk!!

alis sa...

It's a very cute outfit, the bag is so pretty, in fact I was scrolling down anxiously to see where it's from. You are getting the fringe and oversized clutch trends in one. I would say keep it but $200 does seem a bit much for a not-so-timeless Zara bag. Zara does use nice buttery leather though, my main concern is not the quality but the style as it may be "out" sooner than we know.

Anonym sa...

Den vesken syntes jeg er kjempekul! Den likner litt på den fra roberto cavalli, som jeg egentlig ikke har så veldig sansen for, men elsker fargen, frynsene og det at den er akkuratt passe hippie og akkurat passe chic!

Ladybird sa...

Med tanke på hvor dyrt de som regel er å fremstille produkter i skinn frynser, så synes jeg ikke dette var så ille. Dessuten er den rålekker ;)

Anonym sa...

You should definately keep the bag, it's gorgeous and a nice fringe bag is surprisingly hard to hard.