Du er hjemme syk og synes synd på deg selv, men så dukker det nyeste kuppet fra ebay opp i postkassen og humøret letter betraktelig. Disse ballerinawedgene er supersøte og perfekte for de late motedagene. Ta på disse, et par jeans, en hvit tshirt og en stor fargeklatt av en veske og voila du er klar! Bare husk min gyldne regel, kun et leopard tilbehør per antrekk, eller så ender du kjapt opp langt fra fashionabel.
Home sick feeling sorry for myslf when these shoes I bought on ebay pops into my mail box. Perfect for those lazy fashion days with jeans, a white tee and a killer handbag. Just remember, one leopard item per outfit, or you will end up looking like a fashion victim..
8 kommentarer:
those shoes are amazing! so cute! I have such a fear of ebay shopping! Maybe one day i'll get over it and be able to find cute shoes too!
the shoes are so cute! I also believe in that rule: only one leopard print garment
Skoene er kjempekule!
Og bra blogg forresten :)
Gotta love ebay! Those shoes are gorgeous. You are right on point with that rule too.
Great advice, great shoes!
You reminded me to take out my animal print flats too!
Thanks ladies,
I do enjoy my leopard and other animal print. They bring so much fun to my wardrobe. I am happy I can be an inpiration, since you give me tons every time I visit your blogs:-
raining hats and clogs: Get over that fear right now! Get yourself an paypal account and start shopping! In my years as an ebayer I have only had one issue, and paypal gave me my money back. Be sensibel, shop with care and you will be ok. Let me know if you have any more questions about ebay.
a red lipstick: Tusen takk, håper du kommer tilbake!
nice shoes! I remember seeing a picture of paris hilton once..wearing ALL leopard. disasterous.
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