tirsdag 29. april 2008

Thouch of Chanel

Foto: Kathrine Stenvaag
Jeansdress: Vintage
Shoes: H&M
Belt: Vintage, Koma
Handbag: Vintage Chanel
Endelig kom den etterlengtede Chanelvesken og jeg kunne vel ikke være mer fornøyd. Den er klassisk, vakker og passer til alle anledninger. Idag var en flott dag med temperaturer opp til 20 grader, og første dagen det var mulig å gå i kortermet. Fantastisk! Følg med imorgen når Side2 titter inn i garderoben min....

Lovely day, with great temperatures. Got to try out the hairdo and finally got the classic Chanel handbag that I have been lusting after. Its from the 80s and a real investment to my closet. Speaking of closets. Tomorrow you will get a peak inside my closet! Stay tuned...

23 kommentarer:

molly sa...

gorgeous! cute outfit

alis sa...

Ahhh chanel flap bag, I will own it one day. Your hair looks really nice against the denim.

capturedlife sa...

i SO want this bag! vintage! how much did you pay for it? i love the hole outfit! gorgeous!

Monique sa...

That bag is perfect, if only I could get my hands on a *real* vintage Chanel. I really like your belt too, those kinds that interlock in the front are my favorite.

You're also so lucky to have that hair!!

Elizabeth sa...

You look so beautiful in blue. The espawedges are great.

Sharon sa...

Absolutely gorgeous Siljes-do try and use your bag, as it definitely needs to be shown off on a regular basis!

Dotti sa...

You did IT. Great! Your ensemble looks so pretty on you.

Mónica sa...

I am saving for one Chanel bag... I guess I need at least 10 years more...

hanna sa...

nydelig veske! hvis det var dette du snakket om som skulle gi meg godt humør hadde du rett ;)

Style On Track sa...

Very chic and simple, this is a great outfit :) That bag is one of the most perfect bags in the world

Anonym sa...

You look so elegant and classy - I'm loving it!

Fashion Addict sa...

love the bag and your hair looks great! BTW thanks for commenting on my post the other day!

K sa...

aaah that bag is gorgeous! i want one so badly! i really like the second picture, you have a great sense of style


What a GREAT bag !!!

+ I love those shoes with that dress.

PS: you have such a pretty smile! :D

spiegeleule sa...

wow. i'm looking for such a bag for so long time......it's always the best way to push an outfit

Shes Dressing Up sa...

This is beautiful! The bag is gorgeous.

blah sa...

You look lovely in this outfit!! lvoe the bag especially!

ediot sa...

gratulerer med kjöpet! den var veldig fin! det var hele outfiten også!

Marte sa...

Elsker vesken!!Herlig antrekk, veldig fine bilder btw:)

Siljesfashion sa...

Thank you, thank you, thank you. You are all to kind:-

captured life: It was less than a new, but still expensive for a handbag. Email me if you want exact price. But my take on it is that I will have it forever, and it will only get better, so it was worth it.

atelier: It was not that expensive, and I have seen ones around 600 dollars in up scale vintage stores abroad. I just wanted a specific one.

hanna: Så bra! Hyggelig.

My Taste Of Honey sa...

I like the bag and shoes! Plus...this dress is very nice too:D

The Freelancer's FashionBlog sa...

This outfit is gorgeus, very relaxed but still stylish. You have your hair really nice too, simple but beautiful.

Anonym sa...

love the bag, I only wish I could find a vintage one. I'm eyeing a similar one by Bally right now so hopefully it'll give the same effect. Flawless style.