Det finnes få butikker i Oslo som er så sjarmerende som Tonica Vintage. Tonica, som driver butikken, er en driftig dame med sansen for det helt spesielle. Hit kommer du får å finne Hermes skjerf, vintage Balenciaga kjoler, Gucci vesker eller andre skatter fra en fordums tid. Ta deg godt tid og let igjennom det fantastiske utvalget, sjansen er nemlig stor for at du da nettopp finner noe som passer deg godt.
There are few vintage stores in Oslo that has the flair and colour as Tonica Vintage. The shop is owned by this amazing lady that really knows her business. Here you can find great vintage pieces from Balenciaga, Gucci, Christian Dior or other less known designers. Its a treat for the eyes and the soul to shop here. Truly one of Oslos finest and a must visit for out of towners
Price range: From cheap to expensive
Tonica Vintage, Schøningsgt 14 Oslo
6 kommentarer:
that store looks amazing! i feel like i could spend hours there!
Oh, så mye fint. Skal så absolutt innom der når jeg drar til Oslo :)
Already heard some of that store, must be a place every girl would like to have around the corner. Greetings to that lady and don't get lost there... :)
raining hats and clogs: Thats so funny, I spent 3 hours there yesterday!!
Kjempemye fint Renate, og du kan gjøre mange gode kupp.
guten tag: Haha, I always do. And end up spending more money then I thought I would..
ååååååååååååååå! ta meg dit! haha jeg vil vil dit..
Beautiful, too bad I'm so far away.
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